Chapter Thirty-Five!(;

Start from the beginning

When her and David were gone Cody came over and sat on my bed next to me. I grabbed his hand and just held it for a second staring at him. "What's the matter?" he asked after a few moments of silence. I smiled. "Nothing I just can't believe everything you've done for me. You saved my life with the whole blood thing and by the looks of it I can tell you haven't gone home either." He shrugged. "I told you I would always be there for you and I meant it. I'm just sorry I wasn't there to protect you from this." he said sadly. "Protect me from what?" I asked confused. "The attack." he whispered. Ignoring the pain I forced myself to sit up and look him right in the eyes. "Cody don't you dare blame yourself for this. You couldn't have known something like this was gonna happen. You didn't put me in this hospital bed." I responded quickly. There was no way I was gonna sit here and let him feel guilty for this. It wasn't his fault. It wad that sick bastards fault. I still couldn't believe Chad would go this far. Thinking about what he had done to me made me wanna cry and curl into a ball.  

"Selena can I ask you something?" he asked. I nodded. After everything he had done for me I owed him my life so answering a question was nothing. "Ask me anything." I replied. He squeezedy hand and looked me in the eyes. "Did he do this to you?" he asked his voice shaking alittle. I closed my eyes and thought back to the attack. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes just thinking about him and what he did. "Yes." I whispered letting a tear roll down my face. "I'm so sorry baby girl please don't cry." I shook my head. "No it's not your fault it's mine. I shouldn't have opened the door." I responded. "Selena don't blame yourself. I saw the scratches on him. You fought back and that's all you could do." My head snapped up and looked at him. "Wait you've seen him? What are you talking about?" I asked completely confused. "Promise you won't get angry with me?" he asked. I nodded once again needing to know what he meant.  

"Alright so the day of the attack Chad showed up here at the hospital." "What?! He was here?" I asked shocked. He nodded. "Yeah your mom called to let him know you'd been attacked and he showed up here." I couldn't believe he would have the nerve to show up here after what be did. He put me here. "She called him?" "Yeah she called him and he came here. That's kinda how my whole altercation with him happened." he said sheepishly. I tilted my head in confusion. "Cody what happened?" I asked worried. "Well I saw you laying in a hospital bed and then he showed up here and I just lost it. Selena I'm not sorry I did it I'm just sorry I did it here." he finished. It took me a second to understand what he meant. "Oh god Cody are you okay?" I asked scared as hell. Chad could beat the hell out of someone I knew that for a fact. Cody chuckled. "Selena I'm fine he didn't get a chance to lay a finger on me. I think he is the one who got hurt. If I wasn't pulled off I don't know if I would have stopped." he answered. "Cody please be careful. The last thing I want is you getting hurt because of me." I said feeling tears build up in my eyes. "Baby please don't cry I'm fine I promise."

**Cody's POV:**

I couldn't believe she was crying right now. I say I beat up her ex and she's crying? "Selena really I'm okay." I said trying to calm her down. "No that's not why I'm crying. I just never thought he would push things this far. And now I'm gonna have to tell everyone. My stupidity is the reason all this happened. I shouldnt have let things go on for so long. I'm so sorry." she sobbed putting her head down and crying into her hands. I really couldn't believe she was feeling this. That prick had caused all of this it wasn't her fault. "Baby please just calm down stressing yourself out like this can't be good for you." I pleaded with her. The heart monitor was making a strange noise as her heart rate climbed. She nodded and settled down. "I'm acting like a baby. I'm sorry." she whispered. "No Selena it's a normal reaction to all of this. Alot had happened this past week and it's gonna take some time okay? You need to stop blaming yourself though." she smiled weakly and nodded. "Just promise you'll be there for me?" I looked at her and smiled. "I'm not going anywhere."

**Selena's POV:**

After my little mental breakdown I managed to keep myself calm. It wasn't easy since everything was starting to sink in. I was starting to remember more and more of the attack and it was making me sick. Them a pretty scary and serious question entered my mind. How far had Chad gone this time? Had he touched me? I remembered most of the attack but it went black after the blow to my head with the frying pan. The thought really scared me. He had never forced me before but from what I can remember he wasn't himself that day. I had never seen that side of him before. "Umm Cody did he..." I trailed off afraid of my own question. "What?" he asked confused. "Did he touch me?" I added. It took him a minute to understand what I meant. "Oh god no the doctors said nothing like that happened. They checked and couldn't find anything." he finally answered. I let out a sign or relief. Thinking of being with Chad in that way made me wanna puke. "Selena are you okay?" he asked after a few minutes of silence. I nodded. "Yeah just thinking." "About what?" he asked. I decided to change the subject and keep Chad off my mind. "I was thinking about all the things I remember people saying to me while I was...out." His face turned red. "Umm do you remember alot?" I smiled and nodded. "Well I rememeber what you said to me atleast most of it." His face turned a deeper shade of red making me grin.  

Dr. Brooks came in alittle while later and gave me some pain medication that really helped but made me really tired on top of how tired I already was. I didn't wanna sleep though. I had apparently slept for a week I didn't need to sleep again. "Selena stop fighting it and go to sleep." Cody said from the chair next to my bed. "But I just woke up." I wined. He smiled. "It's okay you can sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up." he replied. "Fine I'll sleep if you climb up her and sleep next to me." I compromised. He nodded. "Okay if that's what you want." he answered. I nodded. "Well that's what I Wang pretty boy so climb up here." He slipped his shoes off as I shifted to give him some room to lay. "But before I climb in there are you sure I won't hurt you?" he asked in a worried tone. "Cody it'll hurt me alot more if you don't climb up here and lay with me. Falling asleep in your arms was the best feeling in the world so please?" He smiled and leaned in and kissed me. I swear everytime he touched me I felt like I was on top of the world and I never wanted to come down. 

He climbed in the bed with me and I shifted myself to snuggle into his chest. "You okay? I'm not hurting you am I?" he asked loosening his grip on me. "I'm fine Cody stop worrying so much or you'll get worry lines and ruin your pretty face." I said smiling and yawning. The pain meds were kicking my ass. "You sure? I don't wanna hurt you." he mumbled. "Stop it. I'm fine. Now hush." I said laying my head on his chest. "Okay baby girl." We laid there for a few minutes in silence before I felt the need to say something. "Cody?" I asked sleeipily. "Yeah?" he replied. "I just thought I'd tell you, I love you too." I answered kissing his chest and falling asleep glad to have finally told him.

**Cody's POV:**

"I just thought I'd tell you, I love you too." she said before kissing my chest and drifting off to sleep. My heart pounded in my chest and I smiled. I couldn't believe she had really said it back. She really loved me? Those words were like music to my ears. I had the most beautiful girl in the world asleep in my arms and she loved me. After everything that had happened this week I never thought I could be this happy again. Selena had really changed my life and I was more then happy to have her in my life. If I had my way I'd never let her go. I kissed the top of her head and smiled at her. "I love you baby girl." I said before drifting off to sleep myself.

Authors Note: okay so theres the next chapter? What do you think? I struggled with this one wanting to get it right. After all these depressing chapters I'm happy to get back to them kinda happy again. She remembers everything! And she said I love you back to him!(: I think that earns a few comments right? Please. So I just wanna say Thanx again for all of the support I'm getting with this book you guys are truly amazing and I love you all! Next chapter in a few days. Thanx again!(:  

-ravensierraxoxo(; <3

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