Chapter 15

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The next day


Aphmaus pov
Everyone else was still asleep so I was the only one awake I was pacing back and forth because to be honest I was freaking out! Just then a nurse came over she said "ok so the doctor just got done with his surgery right now travis is sleeping but you can go wake him up and since you did a good job at stopping the bleeding he can go home today just be careful because he has stitches! No swimming,lifting heavy objects,or running for a month" I nodded and said "ok so what can he do?" She said "sit and lay down" oh travis is not gonna like this he hates just sitting around! I said "ok thank you" she left and I got ready to go to travis' room but she came back with a shirt and some pants she said "you're still in a bathing suit" I nodded and took the clothes I went to the bathroom and changed then I went to travis' room to see he was asleep I sat next to him on the bed and shook him he started waking up and when he seen me he smiled I said "good morning" he sat up and said "morning what are you doing here" I said "well I wasn't gonna leave you at the hospital by yourself I was worried sick!" He said "sorry for making you worry" I sighed and said "it's fine I wasn't nearly as worried as I was when the shark pulled you underwater" he said "that was the most horrifying thing that's ever happened to me" I said "well you're ok now and the nurse told me you can go home today when ever you feel up to leaving" he said "we can go home now" I helped him up and he got the clothes the nurses put next to the bed he went to the bathroom to change and after a few minutes came back out he said "so walking hurts insanely bad" I said "you want me to get a wheelchair or get the guys to help you walk" he said "the guys" just then everyone walked in and zane said "we were wondering where you were" I said "heh I probably should've woken you up" they nodded and I told them travis needed help walking so they went over to him they put his arms over their shoulders and since we never bring a car we had to walk back to our house when we got there Garroth and laurence set travis on the couch we all talked for a few hours until everyone decided to go back to their houses I looked at Travis to see he was back asleep I guess the medicine really made him sleepy! I pulled his shirt up and looked at the stitches I put my hand over them and there was a flash of light when the light cleared....there were no looked like nothing ever even happened to him! WHAT THE HECK?! I jumped up and knocked over a cup which woke travis up he sprung up and said "what's wrong?!" I was just standing in the corner of the room looking very horrified he said "aph what's wrong" he looked at his side where the stitches were and said "what the..." He got up and came over to me I hugged him and he said " did" I said "I-i don't know! I was looking at the stitches and I put my hand on them,there was a flash of light and you were healed" he said "did...did you heal me?" I said "I think so..." We were both quite until he said "savannah" I said "my mom? What about her" he said "ask her how you did that! She might know how!" I said "travis I doubt she will there has never been Magiks in my family....atleast I don't think there has been....but we can try" we went to my moms house and knocked on the door she opened it and said "Mija! Travis! Come in What are you doing here?" We went in and she said "oh travis I heard about that shark are you ok? You got stitches right?" Travis said "well I did! But I don't have them anymore" she made a confused face and said "what?" I said "mom I healed him! I don't know how but I did" she said "oh...hehe I have something to tell you mija" I said "no Duh!" She went over to a bookshelf and got a book she sat down on the couch and we sat next to her she opened the book and there was a picture of her and a woman with long black hair and brown eyes she was wearing a white dress with a blue and gold cape my mom said "that's my sister irena" I said "SISTER?! SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE A SISTER?!" Travis said "wait a second...irena..that sounds a lot like-" my mom said "irene? It should after all she is irene" me and Travis both said "WHAT?!" She said "I never wanted to tell you I was hoping you wouldn't get her magiks" I said "wait so you're telling me...irene is my aunt and I got magiks from her" she said "Uh not your real mother...she is" I stood up and said "this can't be my mom?! And,and you're my aunt?!" travis said "babe you're gonna pass out if you don't quit freaking out" I said "how can I not freak out?!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me back down to the couch my mom said "irene is still alive in case you were wondering she lives somewhere in the Tu,la region" I said "but why have I grown up with you instead of her" she sighed and said "as you know irene is a divine warrior and when you were born she didn't have time to take care of you so she gave you to me and told me to never let you know who your real mother is until you got your magiks! Oh and this was with you when she gave you to me" she handed me a necklace with a little irene symbol on it....

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