Chapter 13

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Time skip to the wedding!

Don't play music until I tell you to!

Aphmaus pov
I was sitting at the vanity looking in the mirror while katelyn and kawaii chan did my makeup and hair katelyn said "so you nervous" I said "Nope I'm getting married to the man I love the only thing I'm kinda nervous about is the vows" kawaii chan said "did aphmau senpai write her vows or is she going to wing it" I said "I wrote them and honestly I spilled my heart into them" katelyn said "I wonder how travis is doing" I said "probably freaking out knowing him" they nodded and kawaii chan said "so about the honeymoon" I said "we're not going on a honeymoon you know how we've been moving into that house together?" They nodded and I said "well the house is completely done! The boxes are unpacked,the walls are painted,the carpet is put down everything is perfect so after the wedding instead I going back to the guys house and our house were going to the new house!" Katelyn said "so after the wedding no more seeing you in the house?" I said "Nope!" Kawaii chan said "ok kawaii chan is done with aphmau senpais hair!" Katelyn said "and im done with your makeup" I got up and looked in the mirror my hair was curled with w flower in it....

Aphmaus povI was sitting at the vanity looking in the mirror while katelyn and kawaii chan did my makeup and hair katelyn said "so you nervous" I said "Nope I'm getting married to the man I love the only thing I'm kinda nervous about is the vows" ...

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My makeup was just eyeshadow,maskara,lip gloss,and blush and my dress....I love my dress so much.....

I said "ok well now that I'm ready until the music starts im gonna go over my vows" I sat down and started reading through my little notebook until my mom came in she smiled and said "oh mija you look amazing" she hugged me and I said "thanks mom ...

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I said "ok well now that I'm ready until the music starts im gonna go over my vows" I sat down and started reading through my little notebook until my mom came in she smiled and said "oh mija you look amazing" she hugged me and I said "thanks mom so you gonna cry during the wedding?" She said "you know I will!" I heard music start and all my bridesmaids which were katelyn,kawaii chan,Nicole,Lucinda,and cadenza went down the aisle my mom linked arms with me and walked me down the aisle to travis I smiled at him and noticed he was wearing the suit I said he looked good in....

I said "ok well now that I'm ready until the music starts im gonna go over my vows" I sat down and started reading through my little notebook until my mom came in she smiled and said "oh mija you look amazing" she hugged me and I said "thanks mom ...

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my mom hugged travis and said "take care of her travis" travis said "I will don't worry" my mom sat down next to travis' parents I looked at Travis and the priest started talking when he said "may we here the vows" he looked at me and I got my notebook out And started reading " are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with you make me smile,you make me laugh,you make me fall in love with you all over every day I love you so much and I can't believe how lucky I am to be standing here getting married to you I promise to be loving,patient,and faithful I will try my best to be the most awesome wife ever! I hope one day to have you as the father to our kids and I will always love you through hard times and good times,through sickness and health I'll always be by your side for the rest of our lives so will you take me to be your wife" he nodded and said "yes" i put the wedding ring on his finger and I looked out into the crowd of our friends and family and I seen a few people crying I looked back at travis and he got his notebook out he started reading and said "aphmau you are the most amazing woman I've ever met you never fail to make me laugh even in the worst days seeing your smile makes me happy and I will never let anything hurt you im gonna try to be an amazing husband I will always and forever love you so will you take me to be you husband" I said "yes!" He put the ring on my finger And the priest said "You may kiss the bride!" We kissed and the priest said "it is my honor to present Mr. and Mrs. Valkrum!" Everyone in the crowd stood up and we walked back down the aisle we went to the reception room and everyone started chatting and such until I heard over the intercom "this is the first song of the night so I think it's only fair the bride and groom have the first dance!"

(Play music!)

The music started playing and I instantly realized the song I looked at Travis and said "it's a thousand years!" He nodded and stood up he said "may I have this dance" I smiled and said "you may!" We went to the dance floor and started slow dancing I said "you know why this is my favorite song" he shook his head and I said "everytime I hear it I think of us" he smiled and kissed me soon the song ended and it was time to cut the cake me and travis walked over to it and everyone crowded around us I grabbed the knife and travis wrapped his hand around mine we cut it and both got a piece i said "hey guess what" he said "what" I smiled and took a piece of cake and smashed it in his face he laughed and did the same to me we kissed and when we pulled away I said "your lips taste like chocolate" he said "so do yours" I said "I'm not complaining! We're gonna smell like cake for days" he said "it's worth it" we kissed again and everyone got a piece of cake me and travis sat down and Garroth and laurence came over I said "oh hey! I seen you guys crying are you ok" laurence said "yea just sad you're officially off the market!" I smiled and said "would a hug help?" They nodded and opened their arms I got up and hugged them both Garroth said "wow you look beautiful" I said "heh thanks it's the work of katelyn and kawaii chan!" Lucinda came over and said "it's time for the bouquet toss!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the middle of the dance floor and over the intercom it said "we need all the single ladies on the dance floor" I heard my mom say "ALL THE SINGLE LADIES!" I laughed and all the single girls came over i turned around and closed my eyes I threw the bouquet and heard someone squeal I turned around to see my mom had caught it I said "looks like you're getting married next mom!" She laughed and said "oooohhhhh Eric!" She walked off and travis' mom came over to me she smiled and said "hey aph" I said "hey jaime!" She said "I just wanted to let you know how happy I am to have you as my daughter in law you seem perfect for travis and he's so happy with you and as a mother that's all I want for him! I'm glad you're in the family" she hugged me and I hugged back I said "I'm happy to be apart of your family" she pulled away and travis came over he said "oh hey mom what's up" she said "just talking to my new daughter in law oh I think your father need me" she kissed his cheek and ran off I smiled and said "oh you were definitely a mamas boy" he sighed and said "shut up" I said "we're married now and living together so im never gonna shut up again!" He said "as long as I get to see you everyday you can talk as much as you want" he hugged me and we went back to our seats soon the reception was over and everyone started going home me and travis went to the house we've been moving into together and when we went in I said "first night in our new house together!" He smiled and we both changed into pajamas we went to our room and fell asleep.....

I loved this chapter so much and I don't know why! But they're married! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee

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