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--At the school---


"Oy! Ice Princess!" I shouted at Gray resting under the Sakura tree.

"What do you want Flame Brain" Gray got up

"Sakura tree huh" I winked at him tryna tease of course what were you thinking.

"A-hh" Gray's reaction tho.

"Why acting like that?" I asked

"Whut?" he asked. He turned out acting cool again.

"Cmon I know you such a badass" I said while acting like slapping myself.

"Idiot!" Gray said. He is about to leave.

"Conscience must be bothering you so hard" I told him in serious manner and so I left him

---At the School Canteen---

"What the! You drinking again?" I asked Cana

"Pssstt.. shut that stupid mouth of yours" Cana exclaimed

"Could you stop it! You aren't helping us with the plan Cana!" I shouted

"Hmm.. really huh" She just continue drinking.

"Erza!" Lucy waved at her.

"Hey!" -Erza

"What the!" Cana hid her wine inside her bag

"Erza!" Cana greet her as if she's not hiding something.

"Stop it Cana, I'm not an idiot." Erza exclaimed. 

"Oh okay" Cana pulled out her wine out of her bag and continue drinking

"You aren't gunna punish her?That's so unfair!" I complained

"She got something to tell us" Erza said

"That she'll no more drink wine?" I teased


"Aw. So harsh of you!" It's her habit of beating me up. That's really unfair

All people in canteen looked at me. 

"Hey I'm the victim here" I tell them

"So what is it Cana?" Lucy asked

"I've heard something while I'm at the bar yesterday." Cana said

"Bar? How are you? What the? You're still a minor how could yo--" I'm interrupted again

"Lucy!" Levy shouted and of course  she's with Gajeel what do you expect?

"Levy! come here, there's something Cana will tell us" Lucy said

Levy and Gajeel rushed to us. And so..

"You know Bora?" Cana asked.

"Yes he is the first bf of Juvia" Levy said

"He's is first ex" Lucy exclaimed. Srsly what's the matter with these girls.

"So what's with Bora?" Erza asked

"He's going to transfer here this semester" Cana said

"So?" I asked

"Natsu! Can't you figure it out? It'll be an advantage for us! remember? Lucy looked at me. "You forgot aren't you?" she added

"Of course I remember!" I said.  I planned it LOL

"So that's it?" I asked Cana.

"No" Cana answered.

"Then what?" I asked

Fairy High: In the Winter, The Water FrozeWhere stories live. Discover now