CHAPTER 1: 413 DAYS(The Preparation)

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It's going to be a busy day for that crazy bluenette because today is her's and his boyfriend's 413th day. Guess who's her BF?( well that'd be so obvious lel )

Juvia's P.O.V
"KYAA!! What must Juvia do? What must Juvia give to Gray-sama?!! KYA!! Juvia is no good girlfriend.... ughhh Should Juvia bake cake for him? (nah, I give him that already on our 410th day) Cookie?(give em that on our 400th day, remember?)Necklace?Ring?Scarf?Oh Juvia knows!!!! 30 babies could do!!" *Juvia got that red blushes on her cheeks as she imagines giving 30 babies to Gray-sama.

*so Juvia's on her hallucination again*

"Hey Juvia, How's everything goin on? Were u sick???" Lucy-san asked worriedly, as Juvia can't help but turns to be a tomato. 

"Ahhh... Juvia's fine, Lucy-san" I said while she suddenly come back to reality. "Today's Juvia and Gray-sama's 413th Day so Juvia can't help but to think about you know.. gift for Gray-sama". 

"Ohh 413th DAY... you've been counting like everyday...You've been giving such stuffs to him EVERYDAY... You always...." before Lucy continue she was interrupted by that old Juvia. Yes imagine Juvia when she was still in Phantom Lord Academy... she give that Blonde that killer look.

"Oh Gomenasai! I was saying you could give Gray a scarf... chocolate.. bear...or" She was interrupted by Juvia again but this time that cute Juvia. "Or 30 BABIES?" Juvia happily shouted

Lucy jaw dropped as she heard that silly thing from Juvia. Suddenly, out of nowhere Cana  popped out. "Hey Juvia, I can help you with that"*taking those wines out of her bag* "You could give this to him tonight!" She says while handling it to me. With that uhmmm you know that wink.

"Juvia's is not confident... if Gray-sama would like that idea.."- I said while twitching my fingers

"KYAAA! srsly Cana?You have those wines inside your bag?uhmm I wonder if Student Council President knew thi---" -Lucy

"Shhhh! You blonde Shut up or i'll tell Natsu about those big----"- Cana

"I'm all fired up! Cana what's this big thingy you'll gunna tell me?"-Natsu suddenly came out from the window.

"Hey Natsu what the hell are you doing in there?"-Lucy curiously asked

Cana winks at Lucy and is about to say things to Natsu suddenly...

"As the student council Pres. I am obliged to get those asses of drunken people out of this school"  Erza quickly punch Cana on her chest which made her unconscious.

While grabbing Cana's bag on her left hand and Cana's arm on her right.

"Hey! Can't you see we are still talking you couldn't just grabbed----"-Natsu, Immediately Erza punches that pinkette but this time 10000x harder than she did to Cana(aww imagine that). As he faints Erza puts Natsu on her shoulder. "You also Natsu, I couldn't let you burn this school"Erza smirked. 

"Erza... pls. don't punish my boyfriend that much"- Lucy told Erza as she was so worried about her bf.

"Also to Cana"-Juvia as she was so worried bout those wines.. haha who knows Cana's wines could be a BIG help.

"Don't worry girls, I'll handle them with C-A-R-E"Erza pleaded as she gives them wink. "I'll be back after I put these two idiots in the detention room"

I and Lucy-san can't help but jaw-dropped at how Erza-san lifts Cana and Natsu and Cana's bag as well.

"So Lucy... what should Juvia do?"-I asked Lucy-san worriedly. 

"Uhm I know who can help us"Lucy winks at me and grabbed my arms. 

"What about Erza? she said she'll be back? I asked her.

She just ignored my question. She run as fast as she could until we get in faculty room.

"So, Here we are"Lucy said with much much confident.

"MMMMira-sensei?"My eyes widened.

"Lucy! Juvia!"Mira happily greeted us. "What took you here?"

"Mira-sensei, Juvia has that girl problem"Lucy whispered to Mira

"Oh I see, So you don't know what to give to Gray?"-Mira said while having that sweet smile on her face

"Mira-sensei? I haven't told you that.. How come..."-Lucy-san wondered

"I know everything Lucy" Mira said innocently

"Yes Mira-sensei... Juvia doesnt know what to give to Gray-sama. Juvia thinks she's no good gf" I answered Mira while frowning.

"Nah Juvia don't be like that. You and Gray had been dating for so long. You never failed to give him gifts.... EVERYDAY"Mira said

"But Juvia doesn't know what to give this time"-I sadly said

"Juvia got run out of idea?THAT'S A SERIOUS PROBLEM HERE!"-Lucy shouted

"KYAAH!"Mira shouted out of nowhere

"What's the matter Mira-sensei?"I and Lucy-san asked in unison.

"I've been searching for answer here but it sayyyss...."-Mira

"GIVE HIM BABIES?" Lucy can't help it but burst laughing

Juvia stayed where she is while blushing soo hard. N so Lucy-san LAUGHING SO HARD. N Mira... uhm she's just staring at Juvia giving that wink wink wink. This is really... oh my gosh... should Juvia really...

"OhJuvia's so embarrassed.. That's part of my hallucination but... were still young... you know... Juvia's 17 and Gray's 17.. and" -I told the two fangirling buddies

"Yeah Juvia's right, but you know I'm ready to babysit here"- Mira-sensei teased 

"Uhm Mira-sensei... Juvia and Gray-sama haven't kissed yet so how come we get into that having babies thing? I said

"HAVEN'T KISSED YET?ARE YOU SERIOUS??????" -Lucy can't help herself but keep wondering. "Me and Natsu kisses everyday, that's a normal thing on couples!""

"You couldn't be  so serious... AREN'T YOU?" Mira-sensei suddenly transformed into a demon.

"Uhm.. Juvia is telling the truth" I said while turning my head down.Gray-sama and Juvia never did that.. we never even hugged we'll technically Juvia always do that but him hugging Juvia back? He never did...

"Mira-sensei I guess I have an idea now" Lucy said. She whispered things to Mira and then they suddenly looked at me.

"Come here you girl"They said in  unison. They grabbed my hand out of a sudden and we went out of school.

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