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Every part of this story in any ways(except for the graphics and some things which you already know exists) are all owned by the author and it is protected by the Copyright Law. No part of this literacy maybe copied, reproduced, transmitted in and form or by ANY means, without written and signed permission from the author. Unauthorised copying, manipulating, public copies or selling this work is a violation to the Copyright Law. The author has every right to sue the person/people/company/companies involved to face the rightful punishment. Any similarity or resemblance to actual people, alive or dead, actual places, events and any part of any stories which were published before the existence of this story are all completely unintentional and coincidental.


In Scarlet;

" You're all so close, yet so far,

Scarlet has always been a stone throw away,

For you lot to capture her. "


" What fun would it be,

If we don't play a little game? "


Next, in Rose;

" Don't worry, my dear boy,

I'll make you really pretty,

With your blood as your make up. "


" Thank you for missing me,

I never missed you though,

Farewell, dear friend. "


Lastly, in Wine;

" Nobody believed me before,

I knew then there was no justice,

All everybody did was leaving me to rot"


" I'm sorry Taehyung,

I can't not kill you,

I must finish what I have started,

I will see you soon. "

PUBLISHED: 22nd July 2016
LAST EDITED: 24th July 2016

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