The drive back to the precinct felt long. All three men were quiet for the entire ride. The silence only grew increasingly awkward the longer they drove through traffic, the only source of noise being the honk of horns and people yelling at each other from across the street.

Alec finally spoke up. "I'm sorry for not telling you the truth about happened at the mayor's office."

Jace looked at him. "It's okay. I understand why you didn't say anything and I get it. You didn't want me to get in trouble with anyone. I should've been there for you, Alec. This isn't fair."

"Fair? What, you jealous I had a near death experience and you didn't?" Alec chuckled.

"No. I meant fair as in I should've been there to help you. Protect you. We're partners, Alec-"

"Look." Alec sighed. "It's fine. I've been taking beatings since we were in elementary school. I can handle a few cuts and bruises. Plus, you've been so attached with the little girl lately that it's understandable that you'd forget about me."

Jace scoffed. "That's what this is about? Clary? Seriously, Alec? Why are you dragging her into this?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because you're turning into one of those boyfriends who's entire world revolves around their girlfriend! And they're forgetting about their family!"

"Oh yeah?! What about you and Magnus?!"

Magnus leaned forward from the backseat. "Alec and Magnus aren't together. Just so we're clear-"

"Shut up Magnus," Jace and Alec said at the same time, shutting him up immediately.

"Why are you so pressed about Clary? She's never bothered you before. Help me understand why you're so upset," Jace snapped. His face was starting to turn red. He was getting angry.

"I'm pressed because we barely spend time together anymore. You're always with Clary. Or if we are hanging out, you're texting Clary and not paying attention to what we're doing. I can't take it anymore!" Alec yelled. "I can't! You're going to have to do something, Jace. You know I don't have any friends. The only people I hang out with are you and the family. Magnus too. Even he's around more than you are and you're my brother."

"Thanks?" Magnus said. "Listen, guys. If I wanted drama, I would've called a taxi and listened to my driver complain about how his wife cooks the same meal every night. I just wanted to go back to Alec's. Not get a literal backseat show to your drama fest."

Alec gripped the wheel, knuckles turning white. "We have to go back to the precinct. A report needs to be written up about the underground computers. Unless you're too busy with Clarissa to even bother with the report?"

"Oh definitely. Much too busy. Clary consumes my very essence, Alec. I can't breathe without her. You're just fucking jealous because you don't have anyone to care about or love the way Clary and I do!"

Alec slammed on the brakes, causing Jace to fly forward and choke himself with his seatbelt. "Get out."

Jace glared at him. "Excuse me?!"

"You heard me. Get the fuck out of the car."

"You're making me walk?! Seriously?!"

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ