Chapter 7

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It was a couple weeks after the party, and Kazu was heading towards the music room. She was a bit late, but she didn't think that it would matter. She's never been late before.

When Kazu opened the door, she stood in shock, seeing the room was empty. "Seriously. The one day I'm late, and they're not here!"

"Well, we did move the club for today." Someone said. Kyoya. "We talked about this yesterday. We're doing the cherry blossom viewing today." He handed her a sky blue and sea green costume. "Get changed and head to the garden." He turned and walked out of the school. Kazu sighed and entered went into the restroom, quickly changing and walking out.

She quickly headed to the garden, and opened the gate, closing it behind her, "sorry I'm late everyone." She said, turning around.

"We'll let it slide this time." Tamaki said, "now get in position, the girls will be arriving any minute."

Kazu nodded and stood next to Haruhi, and smiled softly just as the gates opened, her costume was like Haruhi's, and not the butler costume some of the others were wearing.

"Welcome ladies~"

Kazu was sitting on a picnic blanket with some girls, easily flirting with them.

"I hope you're all enjoying your tea, my princesses." She asked.

"I'm enjoying it more since you're here." One of the girls said, blushing madly.

Kazu perked up at the sound of tea spilling, then she saw the twins do their brotherly love act. It's the same act, yet all the girls go crazy for it every time. Kazu thought.

"I can't take it! It's overwhelming!" One of the girls at their table said.

The other girl whispered something, but Kazu didn't hear her.

"You are absolutely right, Mademoiselle." Kyoya said, walking up to them. "All beauty Is fleeting." He was holding a cherry blossom in his hand, looking at it tenderly. "Just take a look at these cherry blossoms. You'll never be able to see them this vibrant again." He held up some magazines. "And that's why I compiled this picture book that contains photos that capture the beauty of each passing day."

I feel somewhat violated right now. Kazu thought, he took pictures without her knowing, and made a picture book out of them.

"Evidently, I have similar books of the other hosts as well. And if you ladies are interested in collecting all five of them, I'll discount the full set for you."

"I'll take them!" The brown headed girl claimed.

"Me too please!" The other one exclaimed.

"Well, now we know how the club makes extra money." The twins said.

"But I have to wonder." Hikaru said.

"When did he take pictures of us?" Koaru asked.

I'd like to know that myself. Kazu thought.

On the far side of the room, Kazu noticed Honey spilling a ton of whatever he was making. Kazu didn't want to get herself into that mess, so she ignored it, and continued to flirt with the girls with her.

It was the end of hosting, and everyone was just standing around, Kazu was sitting near a tree, watching as Haruhi started into the Cherry blossom trees.

"Haruhi, how are you doing, are you having a good time?" Tamaki asked Haruhi.


"The flower viewing reception is going over quite well." Tamaki said, holding out a hand to catch a petal. "But even so, It's rather daunting to spend more time being admired than doing the admiring."

"Oh wow senpai, you're blooming in more ways than one." Haruhi said.

Kazu watched as Tamaki dramatically pointed towards Haruhi.

"You noticed!" He exclaimed. "Alas, today my beauty is quite splenderous. I'm in full bloom." He winked, "I bet you'll fall for me soon~"

"So Haruhi, have you decided you elective courses for this term?" The twins asked, suddenly appearing around Haruhi.

"How about conversational French?" Koaru asked.

That reminds me. I should probably chose my courses soon. Kazu thought to herself.

"I think the three of us should take it together." Hikaru said, "It makes perfect sense," He and Koaru looked back at Tamaki, taunting him.

"We are in the same class." They said.

Tamaki went into his gloom corner, except it was the tree right next to the one Kazu was sitting at.

"Say, Mommy dear?"

"What is it now, daddy." Kyoya said, writing on his clipboard.

So now Kyoya is playing along? What next, I'm his new child? Kazu thought.

"I have a new theory." Tamaki said, "I mean, it's just my hypothesis, but it seems that by being in the same class, Hiakru and Koaru are able to spend more time with Haruhi then I get to here at the club." He pouted, "This gives them a chance to get close to her, and if that happens-"

"You just now realized that, Blondie?" Kazu asked, getting up and walking towards him.

Tamaki seemed to be shocked by lightning.

"According to my research," Kyoya said, pulling out a chart, "in a single day, the twins spend roughly nine hours of class time with Haruhi, meanwhile your contact with her is limited to a couple of hours of club activities."

"In other words, The twins are in the same class, they spend more time, you aren't, so you don't." Kazu said, saying it rather harshly.

Tamaki started crying, "Gahh I don't wanna hear it!" He kept repeating that, then he grabbed onto Haruhi's shoulders, "listen Haruhi, I want you to stop hanging out with those shady twins from now on!"

Why wasn't I warned? Oh wait. He thinks I'm a guy... Should of remembered that. Kazu thought to herself, watching this from afar.

"Who're you calling 'shady'?!" Hikaru asked, obviously annoyed.

"Yeah, take a look at yourself, boss!" Koaru said, as annoyed as his brother.

Tamaki stumbled back, gasping, "Yes, that's it!" He seemed to have had a breakthrough.

This can't be any good. Kazu thought. Whenever Tamaki thinks of new ideas, they're always terrible.

"Alright then, we can't go on hiding the fact that you're a girl from everyone in the school any longer!" He started to sob. "All daddy wants is for you to go back being the girl you used to be!" He was pathetic in Kazu's opinion. "For you to surround yourself with girlfriends!"

He said something else, but Kazu couldn't understand him for the life of her.

"Who are you calling daddy?" Haruhi asked.

"You don't have to rush things." Hikaru said, his tone board. "She's going to be found out soon enough."

"Physical exams are the day after tomorrow." Koaru explained.

"Physical exams?" Haruhi asked.

Kazu had full knowledge on what they were. Though she never had to go thorough any, being homeschool for most of her life. I wonder what they're like. She thought.

Haruhi didn't know what they were, she asked, and everyone looked at her.

Kazu suddenly felt like thinking of the host club shirtless, she instantly blushed and turned around, facing away from them.

"That's right, I forgot all about it." Kyoya said.

"Then that means, there's no doubt. They're gonna know... I'm really a girl."

Everyone except Kazu and Kyoya gasped in horror. Even Mori showed some emotion. Kazu was shocked at Haruhi's reaction, though she didn't show it.

I'll have to talk to someone about my physical exam. I have a valid excuse... right? Kazu thought. She sighed and headed out if the room to talk with the chairman- to see if she could ask him to get a private room- while everyone seemed to be fussing over Haruhi.

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