Chapter 6 Maddi

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"Are you sure you wanna go?" Zara asked skeptically. "You just got out of the hospital yesterday." She pointed out.

"Thanks Captain Obvious," I replied sarcastically, sending her a cheeky grin, "but I'll be fine."

Zara was currently laying on my bed, wearing a maroon felt skirt, black and white striped wide sleeved tank, and green cargo jacket. Her black bowler hat was laying on her stomach while her black booties were strewn beside my bed. The thing that interested me most was her hair, which was flowing around her head on my bed. I thought her thick hair was beautiful, while she thought it was a hassle.

"Let the lady live a little, Zara." Llewellyn said with a dramatic eye roll from his seat on my floor. I walked into my closet, surveying my options.

"I have nothing to wear." I stated, even though my closet was full of clothes.

"We are not doing this right now, choose something so we can meet your sister and her friends to eat." I groaned loudly at Zara's demand.

After about fifteen minutes, I finally decided on a dark green loose button up tucked into a black pleated skirt on top of dark maroon leggings and a black, flat-top hat. I walked out to see that Zara was about to doze off and Llewellyn was spaced out.

"Why aren't you guys ready?" I accused, snapping them out of their dreamy state.

"We were waiting on you!" Llewellyn answered defensively. I glanced at Zara, who was staring at me.

"Like what you see?" I asked flirtatiously. Zara grinned at me.

"We match a bit." She observed, putting her booties on. I slipped into my all black tennis shoes.

"Well I figured since you were my date and all." I shot her a wink, and for the first time, I made Zara blush.

"Will you guys stop being gross and hurry up? I'm hungry." Llewellyn whined. We walked out the room.

"Cock-block." I scoffed, brushing past Llewellyn, making sure to send him a smile so he knew I would be joking.

Ten minutes later we were walking into an old time diner, immediately spotting Maddi and her group of friends. Maddi, Chloe, Caleb, and some buff guy I didn't recognize were sitting in a round booth, sipping on sodas and engaged in a supposedly interesting conversation. We walked over to them and they made room for us. Llewellyn complained that he was too close to people, so he pulled up a chair and sat in front of the table.

"Gabbi, who's your friend?" I asked accusingly, trying to decide if there was something more going on than they let on.

"Oh, this is Tanner Donnelly." She smiled at me. I looked him and smiled. He nodded in my direction.

After ordering, everyone was talking about how they're classes were going.

"Do any of you guys have Mr. Justmann for Physics?" Chloe asked. Most everyone nodded. "I'm really confused, how did a Jewish man end up studying science?" Gabbi rolled her eyes.

"Just because you're religious doesn't mean that science suddenly doesn't exist." She explained.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm Catholic but that doesn't I think the Earth is only a few thousand years old. I'm not stupid." Zara added.

"You're Catholic?" I raised my eyebrows at her. She smiled at me and nodded.

"I guess you're right." Chloe admitted. "Just never sit near the front because he tends to spit a lot. Seriously, it's like sitting in the splash zone at Shamu's show."

"Preach sister." Llewellyn raised his hand for a high five, which Chloe returned.

There wasn't much left to the conversation because our food had arrived. Afterwards, we somehow managed to figure out how to split the bill seven ways. Everyone made sure to leave a five dollar tip, wanting to thank the waitress for dealing with six loud teenagers. I realized that Tanner didn't really talk a lot, and I wasn't quite sure why Gabbi was friends with him. Compared to her other friends, and even herself, they were polar opposites. The real question is why is Tanner friends with Gabbi?

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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