Chapter 3 Gabbi

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I arrived home from dance practice on Saturday, knowing that my younger siblings were either at a meet or practice.

"Maddi?" I called out, placing the Hulks keys on the island. There was no answer. I walked down the hall to find her bedroom empty. It suddenly clicked in my head that she had a date with Zara that afternoon. I sighed, a little disappointed that she wasn't here. I walked to my room and collapsed on my bed, dozing off a few moments later.

"Gabbi." I felt the bed weigh down next to me. I groaned and glanced at the time, seeing I had been asleep for about an hour and a half.

"What Maddi?" I croaked, burying my head into my pillow.

"I need help with changing my oxygen tank." I sat up and rubbed the sleep out my eyes. I walked to my dad's study which was currently being used to store Maddi's oxygen tanks. I grabbed one and carried the heavy tank back to my room where Maddi was sitting in the same place I left her. After switching out her tanks, I carried the slightly lighter, empty tank back to the study. I noticed the abundance of empty tanks and made a note for Ana Louise to get them refilled.

"So," I said, walking back to my room. "how was your date?" A small smile creeped its way onto Maddi's lips.

"It went well. We mostly talked about each other," She answered. "The best part was that she didn't want to talk about the cancer or anything, she wanted to know about me. Even if she did want to talk about the cancer, she didn't say anything about it."

"Nice. Did you kiss her?" Maddi shook her head.

"No, but we are having lunch on Wednesday." I grinned at her.

"That's great!" I glanced at the time, realizing that it was time to pick up Zach from his soccer match. I threw on some clothes that didn't smell like sweat from dancing and tied the laces of my tennis shoes up.

"Do you want to come pick Zach up with me?" I asked Maddi, walking over to the fridge where I grabbed a Gatorade and granola bar. When I heard Maddi roll down the hallway, I knew the answer. I quickly snatched the Hulks keys from the island and helped Maddi outside and into the SUV with her tank. After climbing in, I spun out of the driveway, heading towards the field where Zach's matches were usually held.

"You ready to go?" I asked Zach after meeting him on the sidelines and handing him his drink and snack. Zach nodded in response. As we were about to walk back to the Hulk, Zach's coach approached us.

"Hi." He stuck his hand out in greeting. "You must be Zach's sister. Gabbi or Maddi?" I took his hand and shook it.

"Gabbi. Are you his coach?"

"Oh! Yes, I am. I'm Coach Conti," He said. "I was wondering if I could talk to you a moment before you guys left?" I nodded in response.

"Why don't you go ahead get in the car? I'll be over in just a second." I suggested, turning to my little brother. He nodded and walked over to the car. I faced the coach, trying to act as professional as possible. I knew that soccer was an important part of Zach's life and I didn't want to embarrass him. I also knew that without my mom and dad at home, I was the face of the family.

"Usually I talk to the parents about stuff like this, but I rarely ever see them anymore," Coach Conti started. "I've noticed that Zach's skills are well above his team mates."

"Well, he is a Heemers." I responded with a smile. He laughed at my response.

"Yes, well, I don't think it would benefit Zach any longer if he stayed on this team." I gave him a questionable look.

"What would you suggest he do?"

"I think he could do much better with a select team."

"I don't know," I said. "He's in middle school now, that would mean leaving this team behind..." I trailed off.

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