You Will Submit To Me, Arthur.

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Arthur stared at Alfred, looked over the man. He noticed a riding crop in his back pocket swaying innocently behind him. A ball gag hung from it along with a black bandana. In his other back pocket hung an American flag bandana.

"A-Alfred?" Arthur said in an almost inaudible whisper. "What are you going to do with me?"

Alfred smiled and pulled out his riding crop and ball gag. "I'm gonna make you my little Love Slave." With that and a flick of his wrist, the riding crop came down across his back with a crack, making Arthur gasp and arch away from the blow. His riding crop came down again and again and again, the Brit gripping the chains attached to the straps around his wrists tightly. "On you're knees, dog."

Arthur glared at Alfred. "Like hell no. I am not your pet- AH!" The crop came down against his back again.

"I said 'On your knees, dog.'" Alfred repeated. Arthur stayed still. Alfred let his crop crack against his back once more, twice more...thrice more.

Arthur gasped to replace the scream that wanted so badly to release. He wasn't going to willing submit to this man. Submission was not in his plans. He gripped the chains tighter and tighter as that crop came down across his back, his ass, his legs- everywhere skin was perfectly exposed and still a creamy white. His back had welps and few deep gashes from being his in the same spot over and over again. His back was stinging and he so desperatly wanted.

"On your knees, dog," Alfred said calmly once again, softly and gently.

Again, Arthur stayed still. He was not a submissive man, Alfred knew this. He placed his foot by his head and leaned down to whisper:

"You will submit to me, Arthur. Even if I have to break you."

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