Welcome To Hell

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Arthur woke when the sun's rays reached his eyes. He yawned and when to rub his eyes. But his arm wouldn't move. He tried and tried again, feeling pain stick his wrist like needles. He blinked his eyes only to find thick, black leather straps on his wrist. He recognized them from one of his outfits from his stripper job. He blinked again. He had all those outfits locked away in a vault no one knew the combination for except-


He examined the leather straps, following a silver link chain secured to the bedpost. He was on his stomach so he could see the bright red Converse that suddenly entered his view. Arthur lifted his head, emerald green eyes meeting the most brilliant blue that were, for once, not framed by his wire glasses, giving him a childlike look, but the expression on his face showed anything but childlike. He hadn't a shirt on, but if he did, Arthur would beg for him to take it off. His eyes roamed over his muscles. He didn't have a full six pack, but there was definitely a six pack there. And just below, his bellybutton was pierced with a skull shaped skull. And just below that....Oh, he was a tease! He was sagging quite a bit, but at Arthur's level on the bed, he was face to face with Alfred's crothch. It even looked like he took his sister's eyeliner to draw attention that perfect 'V' before his pants hid what was left of that 'V'. Alfred crossed his arms across his chest.

"Welcome to Hell."

So I know this chapter was short. It all leads up to what's about to happen!

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