Therapy Therapy

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Ezra's POV

A week has passed since the whole 'death of Damien' has blown over, well not completely but mostly. A lot has been lifted off my shoulders, for one, since the charges have been dropped, it won't go on any records. But more importantly a lot of stress has also been lifted off Arias shoulders. Seeing a stress-free Aria makes me happy. Today is a Saturday, which means I don't have work.

I looked over at Aria who was writing something down in her journal. Sara, Arias therapist, suggested it might help her get her emotions out and feel better about things she's been holding back.

She sat there silently, biting her lip every once in awhile wandering what to write next. I smiled to myself before she looked up.

"It's hard to write when your staring at me," She said raising an eyebrow.

I laughed,"I'm sorry I'll stop, you're just so beautiful," I said cheekily.

"It's fine, I'm done anyways. And by the way that was cheesy, but I love you for it," She smiled closing her journal and putting it in the drawer of the desk sitting next to her.

"I have therapy today," She said sitting down next to me,"but Sara wants to have a session with just me," she said a little softer, looking over at Scarlett who was asleep on the couch.

"Maybe that would be good for you, since you can't talk about everything that's happened in front of Scarlett, it might be easier to get off your chest," I said trying to make her feel better about going to therapy by herself. She's obviously not some hopeless little girl who can't go to therapy by herself, but it's probably difficult not to have Lottie by her side after everything they went through together.

"You're right, it's going to fine," She reassured herself.

"What times the appointment? Maybe Lottie and I could go to the park while your at your appointment. After that we could go back home and make dinner as a family," I suggested. We could use some more family bonding. After this Damien situation things have been kind of tough. But they are getting much better.

"Sounds great, my appointments at," she said pausing and pulling out her phone to check her calendar,"it's at 4:30," she confirmed clicking her phone shut.

"Okay, perfect!" I said clapping my hands together.

"What's perfect?" A little voice said, causing me to jump a little. I turned around and picked Lottie up, setting her down in my lap.

"You are!" Aria smiled poking Lottie's belly. Lottie giggled and curled up in my lap.

"While mommy goes to therapy we are going to the park! After that, we are all going to cook a home made meal together," I said with a smile.

"How does enhanced mac and cheese sound?" I asked raising an eyebrow and looking over at Ezra who grinned back.

"What's that mommy?" Lottie said looking over at Aria with her big blue eyes.

Aria laughed,"Don't worry sweetie I think you'll like it."

Arias POV
*At therapy*

"So Aria, how was your week?" Sara asked with a friendly voice.

"It was really good," I smiled, thinking back to last week and the news Ezra came home with, and not to mention what came after.

"Tomorrow is Lottie's birthday, her first birthday at home," I added.

"Exciting! She must be really excited to spend it with both you and Ezra." Sara said leaning back into her chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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