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I'm going to skip to the last episode of season 5. I'm sorry about this but I have a good idea for this and I don't want to lose it. One thing though, grab the tissues.

Bobby's POV

I sat there in shock at what the guys had just encountered. All I knew is that they had gotten another horseman's ring, something I was happy about. The idjits almost got themselves killed though. As usual.

As I sat at my desk, on the verge of being drunk from all the whiskey I have drank, I saw a particular demon standing in my kitchen.

"What do you want?" I ask him harshly and his Scottish voice booms through.

"Its not what I want. Its what you want." He says, walking into the library.

"What do I want?" I ask him.

"Deaths co-ordinates. I know where he is but, I want something in return." Crowley claims.

"So, you do want something." I say.

"OK yes. But what do you say?" He asks me. I sat there in silence. Debating the current situation. Whether I should say yes and find out where death is then destroy Lucifer once and for all or say no and keep trying to find death ourselves.

"OK." I say.

Next day. Bridget's POV
When we reached Bobby's place we all swung into action. Bobby, Cas and Sam would go to a factory place while Dean, Mia and I would go to deaths coordinates. That's when we found out the dreaded news.

"So how do we know where death even is?" Dean asks after we finished loading the cars. Silence was fallen upon and I was curious as to why. It seemed as if the only person who knew was Bobby and he didn't seem to be talking. Suddenly Crowley arrived.

"I hear you want to know how we know where death is." He announces and we nod. Bobby looks down but we all saw it.

"Bobby, what'd you do?" Dean asks him.

"He sold his soul in order to find out where death is." Crowley answers for him. I look at Bobby incredulously.

"You did what?!" I shout.

"Yes ok. I sold my soul in order to find death." Bobby says grumpily.

"Why would you do that?" I ask.

"Exactly. Selling your soul in order to find death is a stupid reason." Dean scolds.

"Which is exactly why, I put something else in. Dean's right, selling your would just to find death is stupid. So Bobby, are you just going to sit there?" Crowley asks. We all looked to him confused and curious as to what he did.

"What did you do?" Bobby asks.

"I put a little something into your contract. As previously stated, selling your soul for the reason you did is stupid. I did it on your behalf. So again Bobby, are you really going to sit down." Crowley asks. Bobby looks down at his feet and and moves one of them. Something he hadn't been able to do before. He moves his other one and soon enough he's on his feet, with a big grin plastered on his face. We were all shocked to say the least.

"Finally, you're helpful." Dean says sarcastically and Sam and I hit him in a playful gesture.

Soon we are in our cars and on our way to the places we were practically assigned. I was sitting in the front and mouthing the music playing on the radio. Eventually the song "We Will Rock You" came on. I looked behind me at Mia who was smiling, we knew every word to this song and it drove our mum insane but she loved us for it. Eventually we were belting out the song.

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