"Hen! Henley! Get out! HENLEY GET OUT!" She screamed as the timer was running out, hoping that her screams were some kind of rescuing method to saving her lover.

The bubbles escaping Henley's lips indicated her response to how she couldn't escape. She was actually stuck. The redhead was scared out of her mind, meeting her hands to press up to Logan's from the other side of the glass as a last minute resort to feel comfort in her last moments of life.

"HENLEY!" Logan screamed drastically with tears streaming down her face, trying to reach the other through the glass as much as she desperately could. She scratched and kicked at the glass, praying for a miracle.

The timer rings in both girl's ears and Logan's scream was the only one who's could be heard between the two. Henley's scream was drowned out by the water and splashes of piranhas joining her. As she disappears into the gills and blood, Logan finds herself slamming her whole body against the glass while other people were trying to help save her.

"NO! NO! NO! HENLEY!!!!!" She cried, not finding the strength to further damage the glass and sunk down, leaning against it while crying until no noise could be heard escaping her lips. She could never begin to imagine what her partner felt in her last moments. Panic and excruciating pain, no doubt.

"This is bullshit!"

People shot up in the direction of the voice and Logan froze as the voice continued, "Whoever thought of this is a sick sadist!"

Henley laughs as the people around her realized it was her and cheered, bowing to her and offering her high fives and fist pumps like she was a legend. The praise was immense and Henley got high off of it like any adrenaline lover would, she thought her partner needed to share all the glory for such amazing acting.

But when she looked over to where Logan was once crying, the spot by the blood-filled tank was empty.

A half hour later, people were exiting from the show while Henley cleaned up, curious as to why Logan wasn't here helping her. At first, Hen thought that the other woman was in the bathroom cleaning herself up to look more presentable since she was drenched in bloody water and tear tracks, but it's been that long that she started to worry.

She gets a call from Jack and answers, "Hey!"

"What the hell happened??" Jack rushed out of worry, his voice frantic with stress dripping from his words that it scared Henley a little.

"What do you mean?"

"Just get home, please. Logan's such a big mess that she can't even talk."

Out of her starstruck confusion, Henley slowly made her way back to the apartment. When she walked through the door, she was greeted by Daniel glaring at her, his arms crossed. Apparently, Logan had calmed down enough to explain what happened because Danny was NOT happy.

"That was out of line and cruel, even for you, Henley. Even for me!" He yelled.

"What?" Was the only thing she was able to let out as she looked over to see Jack and Merritt sitting on the couch, Logan huddled up in Merritt's arms while uncontrollably crying, "What's going on?"

Logan sped out of Merritt's arms and ran over to Henley, almost about to slap her but Danny stops her arm from doing so as now angry tears replaced the sad ones in her eyes.

"You were right about one thing! You ARE a FUCKING SADIST!" Logan screams tremendously, gritting her teeth together.

"Whoa, Logan hang on. Let me explain-!"

"Explain what, that your sick prank went HORRIBLY WRONG?!"

"Hey! I didn't tell you I was going to do that so your reaction would look legit to the audience!" Henley frowns suddenly, stubbornly fighting back.

"Then tell me that's what you're going to do! I am a part-time actress, you bitch! I would've gone along with your little act!"

Her tears would not stop, and if they kept coming, the tear tracks might actually dig into her skin to form permanent marks. Angry or not, she was uncontrollably shaking over the aftermath of thinking she had just watched someone she loved getting devoured alive by little water monsters, her blood mixed in with the water as it spilled over the side and into Logan's clothes. It was a horrific sight to say the least. A picture she'll have nightmares about for weeks.

Henley stops, biting her lip as her heart clenches. She finally realizes what she did was wrong and that she took it too far, because even young Jack stood over Logan's shoulder, giving her a look of disapproval. She looks to Merritt, who for once never met her eyes. She sighs, nodding slowly.

"You're right. You're right...I'm sorry." She reaches over for the other woman, "I took it too far, Logan. I'm sorry. I should've told yo-!"


She runs into the bathroom, slamming the door so hard that the neighbors had complained the next day. Henley never spoke the next day, staring off at nothing as she replayed those words over and over again in her head. She knew she deserved it, but those words were painfully harsh even for Logan.

The boys don't say much about it, but continued on with life as if nothing had happened, knowing the girls will stay quiet while solving this independently, cause that's just how they worked.

Logan slept in Merritt's room for most nights as she predicted she was having nightmares. Merritt didn't mind it, but he eventually pointed out that maybe it was Henley she should go to at night, since the bad dreams are about her.

Henley wasn't asleep yet when her door creaked open and the bed sinks down beside her. She turns around and nearly jumps when Logan sneaks herself under Henley's arms and lays her head on her chest, her arms tightly round up around her waist. Henley didn't notice Logan was crying until she felt the front of her shirt grow wet, then she wraps her arms around Logan's shoulder to find out she was shaking.

"Hey...hey. It's okay...I'm right here. It's alright..."

Never the less, Logan never attended one of Henley's shows again, but would always have a sickly feeling every time she left. Despite her nightmares and the fact Henley was an escape artist, Logan worried that something bad might actually happened, and she wouldn't be there to help. She got really itchy when she stayed home during one of Henley's shows, so the boys would have to keep her occupied to avoid the dark thoughts she might be having.

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