Chapter 21: Well, I Just Made it my Business

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Bartemius Crouch.

That's all I can focus on. The two little words on the map-thingy.

You would think I would have better things to do than to stare at my dad's name. Like, oh, I don't know, finish detention.

But, you see, I would much rather look at the name of my dead father that isn't actually dead.

Wait! What am I doing?!

How about, instead of staring at my dad's name, we go find him?

Good plan.

Man, I am such a genius it hurts.

Did I mention modest?

Cass! Focus!

I quickly grab the map, throw the broom against the cold wall, and dash out of Moody's office and into the hall.

Let's just hope a professor doesn't catch me. Well, I guess if they do I can show them the magic map thingy and then we can both go find my dad and live happily ever after.


I had to keep looking at the map to know where I was, as I honestly don't know my way around Hogwarts. Even after four years of attending here.

When I reach the Potions room, I'm wiped from running, but I still don't hesitate to pull the door open. "Professor?"

"Hello Cass." Moody says calmly. "Shouldn't you be sweeping?"

My jaw drops, as I try to breath. And speak. Or, well, do anything besides just stand there and gape at my professor who may or may not be my dad in disguise. Wait, what?!

That just sounds kinda crazy to me.

So does that mean I'm crazy or my dad's crazy? Well, I don't think the ministry would hire an insane person to be the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcements, would they?


I'm legit going crazy.

That is not how I wanted my forth year to go. I'd like to return to my house at the end of the year perfectly sane, thanks.

"Um, professor, why are you in Snapes potions cabinet?" I asked finally.

"None of your business Crouch."

I crossed my arms stubbornly. "Well, I just made it my business."

I'm going to tell you a story:
Once upon a time, a girl named HanShootsFirst wrote a chapter for her story. HanShootsFirst had writers block, so the chapter was short.
She didn't care.

What Goes Up, Must Come Down #Wattys2016Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant