Chapter 19: I Didn't Know Devils Could Bleed

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   The chapter image is our little devil btw :)

"Rose! Rose! Sit over here!" A voice screams at me as I push my way though the crowd of people straining to get a glimpse at Harry Potter, the smell of the Black Lake overwhelming me. I immediately recognize it as George.

Today is the second task, and my dad still isn't here. You could say I'm freaking out a bit.

Just a bit.

"Rose!" George repeats, waving his hands up in the air, as if I wasn't able to see him while he was just sitting, and taking my thoughts off of my missing father. Though I don't want to sit by him, I can't control myself from walking over to him and plopping down on the bench next to him.

He grins at me, looking absolutely delighted that I am no longer denying his existence.

"Well hello there Rose. How's life been without me?"

I glare at him, a look so powerful that his playful smirk fell into a look of pure terror. "I thought I told you not to call me Rose!"

He stares at me in fright before returning to his usual stupid smile. "Well, I actually don't remember your real I guess you're staying as Rose."

I honestly can't tell if he's joking or not, but it's best to play it safe. "It's-" I'm interrupted by him placing his hand over my mouth. "MHHHHHHHH" My protests are muffled and unheard.

"I don't remember you're name. I'm sure I knew it at one point, but I forgot, and I don't want to know. You look like a Rose." I'll take that as a complement....

"AND OUR CHAMPIONS FOR TONIGHT!" Dumbledore's voice boomed over the crowd. 'VIKTOR KRUM!" An applause broke out from around us, but George and I just glared at the Durmstrang champion. "FLEUR DELACOUR!" My glare broke immediately as I clapped heavy. George game me a look, eyebrows raised, but I ignored him as I continued to applaud the girl. "CEDRIC DIGGORY! AND HARRY POTTER!"

I slump back into my chair, before realizing it's a bench, and fall off, as George cheers, along with the majority of Hogwarts's students. Pushing myself off of the wooden floor that hovers over the Black Lake, threatening to break at any moment, I look at Cedric. He's glaring a bit at Harry, as many of the Hogwarts students are cheering for him instead of the real champion. This is one of the few times I've felt sorry for Cedric Diggory.

He finally got a shot at glory, and who ruined it? Harry Potter, of course, because who else?

Dumbledore begins to ramble on about the rules and stuff, when I block him out. I'd rather not listen to a century-old dude explain a bunch of rules.

Why the Dark Lord fears him, I don't know. But if Veronica or whatever his name is fears Dumbledore, than how in the name of Merlin is he the 'Dark lord'.

Dude, I bet I could kill him in a second.

Harry Potter is such a wimp.

"Hi Georgey!" Someone squeals from next to me. I look up to be staring right at the face of Libby Huber/date stealer/devil.

I'm not joking, she could be the devil. She has super duper curly hair that could be covering her horns. And she has this fake tan, so she could have gotten that to cover up her red skin. And she's wearing sunglasses to cover up her yellow eyes.

Oh my God, I'm looking at the devil.......

"Hi Libby." George greets, looking slightly annoyed yet happy at the same time.

She giggles, jumping up and down, as if George acknowledging her existence was the worlds most exiting thing ever and was so amazing and cool get it.

"Can I sit here Georgey?" She motions to the bench.

He shrugs. "Go ahead."

"Great." She smiles one of her evil devil smiles. "Now move over girl. I want to sit next to Georgey."

"I have a name, you know."

Cass, you can do this. Just control your anger. Punch her with your words, not with your fists. You can do it Cass.

"Really? Well, you heard me, pygmy, now move over." My jaw drops. I am NOT pygmy! I am 4"8!

This. Is. War.

"Did you hear me pygmy? Move over!"

"Woah Libby-" George protests, but the devil aka Libby Huber cuts him off.

"Be quiet Georgey!" She shrills, before turning back to me. "You have NO chance with MY Georgey! This competition will end in one way, and that will be ME with Georgey!"

"So I'm competition?" I ask smugly as a splashing sound fills my ears, followed by cheering. I assume the second task just begun. "I didn't think that a seventh year would consider a pygmy forth year as competition, but I stand corrected."

Libby fumbles for words. ""

"But of course, we can't blame you. Your parents obviously contributed." I think back to all the stories my father has told me about random families from across the UK. "Huber, right? As in Melissa Huber. She taught Defense Against the Dark Arts here when you were eight. She was fired after a year for child harassment."

Her eyes widen, before a evil grin forms on her stupid devil face. "At least my half brother isn't in Azkaban and my father isn't missing."

Okay, hear me out: I didn't try to tackle her. I just so happened to stand up at that moment, and just happened to slip right on top of her. Then, my fist just so happened to hit her face.

Wait, why am I trying to hide the fact that I beat up the Devil? That's an achievement, right! Right?

Well, I may have jumped up and tackled to her. She screamed and screamed as I punched her.

Can't she take a hit?

Afraid she'll ruin her hair?

Suck it up.

As I was saying, I punched her a few times, while yelling stuff that made perfect sense in my head, but not as much out loud. Plus the fact that most of them were masked by Libby's over the top screeches. "YOU! PSYCHOPATHIC! REPUGNANT! DEVIL!"

"ROSE! STOP!" George protests from behind be, trying (and failing) to pull me off the devil. Wow. Just wow.

That's pathetic Weasley.

You can't stop a 4"8 female who couldn't tip the scale at 70 drenched from attacking an evil mastermind with perfume.

I continue to scream random words at her, half of which she probably doesn't even know, with George's protests in the background, before someone's arms wrap around my waist.

"Crouch! Settle down!" Someone who I immediately recognize as Moody yells as he pulls me off of Libby/date stealer/devil, my arms and legs flailing aimlessly in the air. I try to wiggle out of the grip he has around my waist, but sadly, this is Alastor Moody and not George, and am stuck a foot above the ground screaming while hardly able to breath. This guys grip is strong, I'll give him that.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT HUBER! YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR BACK BECAUSE I'M COMING FOR YOU!!! I AM GOING TO-" My shouts are muffled by Moody placing his hand over my mouth.

Most of the crowd that was formally watching the second task has now put their attention on us, but I don't care.

"She's mad!" Libby screams at no one in particular as George runs over to her.. "She's bloody mad!"

Libby's nose is bleeding a bit, as George talks to her, while holding her head in his hands. I didn't know devils could bleed.

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