Chapter 11: It's a Long Story

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"Crouch! Can I see you for a second!" Moody calls to me in his gruff voice from the other end of the classroom, as I head towards the door. Reluctantly, I make my way over to his desk, while all the other students in the class stare at me, before eventually leaving the room, now it only being me and Mad-Eye.

"What's up?" I ask causally, trying not to let the nervousness that I am feeling show. What did I do? Why would Moody want to talk to me, of all the more interesting people of the world?

Moody throws me a nasty scowl, not unlike his usual ones. "I think you know what's up, Crouch!" I shake my head. "Give me your notebook. You have been writing useless stuff that you won't ever need. Now hand it over."

I blink in confusion. "So, you want me to give you my personal notebook, because you say it doesn't have much of a point?" I clarify, befuddled.

"You're a sharp one, Cass." He places out his hand, for me to place my cherished leather notebook filled with stalker-like quotes. But, there he goes again, calling me Cass! How on earth does he freaking know my name? Sure, my father is well known at the ministry, but not many people know he has a daughter. And I don't go around talking about being his son, so it doesn't make much sense.

"Now, hand it over." He demands. Before I know what I'm doing, and am able to stop myself, I burst out laughing. And hard, too.

"You actually think that I'm going to just hand over my notebook for no apparent reason?!" I manage to say in between snorts. "As if!"

Then, Moody gives me a glare so scary I'm sure that I will never forget it. "We could do this two ways, Crouch, you could hand over your notebook now, without a struggle and no harm will come to you, or, I could use the imperious curse. Your choice."

My jaw drops. He wouldn't actually use the imperius curse on a 14 year old, would he? I mean, he just did it today, but that was to train us to fight it, which Harry Potter did. Well, Moody does seem pretty phycho. Maybe it's best to play it safe. He'll get it anyways.

Swearing under my breath, I pull my leather covered notebook that I cherish so much from out of my pocket. What are you doing Cass?! I think to myself. You're giving the most important thing EVER to you to your insane teacher without a proper reason?! You're a Ravenclaw, Cass!

"I highly doubt you would try that." I insist finally. "Not under the same roof as my father and Dumbledore, that is."

Moody raises his eyebrows. "You seem smart, Cassiopeia. You should know not to test me."

"How in the name of Merlin do you know my name?!" I yell at him before being able to decide whether I would like to scream that at my insane Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher or not.

He suddenly goes really pale. Swiftly, Moody grabs his flask and takes a couple gulps, before setting it down. "Never mind that. You may go now Cassiopeia." He says in a voice that sounds noting like his usual tone.

"No." I refuse. "I want to know how in heck you know my name!"

Moody groans. "I don't, Jackie! Now get out of my room, Kayla!"

"Hahaha. Soooooooo funny." I roll my eyes. "And how do you know me! I know you know me! Then there's the fact that you know I got the idea for my notebook from my half do you even know who my brother is?" I question. "I'm not leaving until you give me an answer!"

Moody stands up, his height being over 3 feet taller than mine, so I back away a bit. "It's a long story."

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