That Little Shit

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"Do you wanna hold him?" Ghostface asked as soon as I stepped into the apartment. I stared at him horrified before quickly fixing my posture.

"U-Um, no thank you, Ghostface," I muttered as I quickly walked past him, trying to avoid making eye contact with the baby if at all possible. It had slowly been creeping me out more and more, which was surprising seeing as there isn't much that I can say that about. But something about that thing made me want to curl up under a blanket and scream my lungs out.

I pushed into mine and Jason's room, leaning on the door as it shut. I slid down and rested my head on my knees. I hadn't been this shaken since I first found the boys which had been at least two months ago...


"Cali? What's wro--"

"What's today?" I interrupted, glancing up at Jason. He paused, thinking for a minute. "December twenty-first. Why?"

I smiled before jumping up. "My birthday is in eleven days."

"January first?" He asked, puzzled. I nodded quickly as I plopped down on the bed next to him. "Man, that's... That's really close, Cali." I nodded again.

"I wasn't even thinking about it. I don't think my mom really cared for my birthday. I never had a party or anything. She did get me a present one time, though."


"An unlocked door. I mean, it was two months early but..." I smiled and fell backward onto the pillows. He let out a quiet chuckle, and then silence.

It was quiet for awhile, actually. We were both lost in thought, him staring somewhere in the distance and me staring at him. Out of all four of them, you'd think I might like badass Freddy Krueger or the flamboyant but sassy Ghostface, maybe even the quiet and precious Michael Myers. But no, I chose the zombie.

I thought about this a lot. More than what was healthy for me, probably. It made me mad. Furious, even. I didn't want to like him or anyone at all. It was drama and heartbreak waiting to happen when I had much better things to do. Such as find a way to get rid of that fucking baby.

I sat up, making Jason jump a little. I got out of the bed and pointed to him dramatically. "You, sir, are going to help me with this project."

He crossed his arms. "And what project are we talking about?"

"We," I placed a hand on my hip. "Are going to kill Kimye... or, uh, rekill Kimye."

He stared at me for a moment, before shaking his head with a sigh. "Are you really that creeped out by him?" He asked. I shrugged and turned towards the door. "I swear, you think you're so damn intimidating but..."

I turned back around with a dark glare. "I don't think I'm intimidating, but no one just casually leaves a dead baby at someone's doorstep that looks like Chucky from Child's Play, okay?"

Jason froze, eye wide open. I paused too, confused at first before the realization hit me like a deer crossing the street.

We both fled down the steps and into Ghostface's room, practically breaking down the door. The baby lay face down in the crib, it's clothing now changed from overalls to pajamas. I stared at him, horrified before hearing Jason choke. I quickly turned to him, obviously worried before realizing he looked more horrified than I was, which was saying something. I followed his line of sight to find Ghostface sitting on his bed.


With a breast pump.

Pumping his man breast.

My first reaction was to scream louder than I ever had in my life. Ghostface ripped the pump off his breast and practically threw it.


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