Chapter 4- Long Lost Friend

Start from the beginning

   She patted my cheek and fussed with my hair for a few more seconds.

   She grabbed my hand when she was done and drug me down the stairs after her. I struggled to keep up in my strappy shoes but somehow managed to not fall on my face.

   Miss Larissa was bounding down the stairs like a little kid making her hair swing back and fourth wildly.

   When we reached the bottom of the stairs, she looked behind her and saw me grinning at the back of her head.

   "What has you looking like a hyena?" She questioned with a smile.

   "Just you," I replied with a laugh. "You are so young at heart, it's amazing that look as old as you do," I told her jokingly.

   "Hey child!" She said as she shook her finger at me. "Remember who pays you!"

   I smiled at her. "You would never cut me off," I teased. "You wouldn't know what to do with the extra money."

   She looked down. "That's true," she muttered. "You suck my wallet dry."

   I laughed at her and tapped my wrist. "Tick Tock! We better get going so that we aren't late." I shuddered at the thought. "That would be embarrassing. Everyone would be there and they would all turn to me when I came in. Let's not be late."

   Miss Larissa looked at me curiously as we walked out the door. "So, how did you get into this  anyway? I thought you decided not to enter."

   "Ugh. It's a long story," I grumbled as we started walking towards the market center.

   She looked around us dramatically. "Well, unless my eyes are getting old too, we still have a while until we get to the market place. Spill."

   I rolled my eyes at her. She gossiped more then any teenager I knew. "Fine. Bennett is a sneaky devil, that's how." Miss Larissa raised a questioning eyebrow at the name Bennett.

   "Who is Bennett and what did he do?" She asked, causing me to sigh.

   "Bennett is the officer that asked me if I was entering. He came to my parents house when I was celebrating Lee's birthday. He somehow knew that he was sixteen and asked him to become an officer. We got into a fight – an insult war basically – Buthe would only let Lee have the job if I entered the Choosing. I hadn't been paying attention to their conversation and agreed without knowing what I was agreeing to," I finished as I avoided tripping on the cobblestone street.

   "So, because you insulted him, he basically forced you into the Choosing?" She asked with a still raised eyebrow. I was beginning to think it was stuck like that.

   The market place came into view and I knew we were going to be separated soon but I still answered her. "Not really, I did agree."

   "But he forced your hand. You are a good sister and there is no way you would have passed up the opportunity to give your brother a better life. Even if it meant he became an officer."

   I was about to reply to her when an officer came over to us.

   He turned to me with a slightly raised, shocked eyebrow. I looked at him for a few moments before he finally spoke.

Another Fairytale - Sacrificed to the Beast ✓ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now