“It’s possible.”

“I never knew it was possible, is what I meant.”

Mia smiled.

Ellie lay there for a moment, concentrating on what she was feeling. Wetness and heat and her someone part of Mia, and Mia part of her.

“That’s so good,” Ellie whispered.

“Don’t be so narrow-minded,” Mia said, and grinned some more.

“How am I narrow minded?”

“Just because you didn’t know, doesn’t mean…”

“Oh yeah.” Ellie thought about that. “I am narrow-minded,” she said. “I don’t meant to be, but I am.”

“You’re not.”

“I really kind of am.”

“I didn’t mean…” Mia said. “I was teasing.”

“I know. But I am.”

“Then it’s okay to be that way,” Mia said, and kissed her. “If you are.”

“No it’s not,” Ellie said, and then, while she was saying these things, she added, “And I think too much. I’m thinking about all of this too much.”

“You really aren’t.”

“Please, just let me tell you this. It seems like…”

Mia stopped moving and looked at her.

“Don’t stop,” Ellie said.

Mia moved again, slowly. So Ellie could talk, and have sex too.

“I think too much,” Ellie said. “That’s all.”

“If you do,” Mia said. “Then that’s okay too.”

“Is it really?”

Mia nodded, and kept moving.

Ellie lay there for a moment, looking up at her, wanting to kiss her but making herself not. Wanting to watch Mia. Wanting to talk all this out. She didn’t know why, not really. Not right now. She’d always been a little talky during sex, she supposed.

“I don’t know how to do this,” Ellie said, because that bothered her.

“You’re doing it now.”

“I don’t know how to do what you’re doing to me.”

“I’m doing it,” Mia said gently. “You don’t need to yet.”

“I should. I’m not doing very much.”

“You’re here.”

Ellie looked at Mia, and then kissed her. “You’re sweet. But I want to know.”

“Know what?”

“How to. Do this.”

“Ellie…” Mia said, then stopped. She looked at Ellie. “Really?”

Ellie nodded.

“I don’t know what to tell you,” Mia said. “You do it how we are.”

“Is that…” Ellie said, distracted now, thinking too much. “Is this the only way?”

“How do you mean?”

“Like this. You on me. Or are there other ways?”

Mia looked at her for a moment. “There’s other ways. Do you want to right now, or are you just asking out of, you know, curiosity…?”

“Um,” Ellie said. “Curiosity.”

“I can show you,” Mia said. “I’m happy to show you. I’d love to show you…”

Ellie understood. “But not right now?”

“Only if you want to.”

“Show me later?” Ellie said.

Mia nodded, and seemed solemn. “That might be best.”

Ellie couldn’t tell if Mia was teasing or not. She kissed her again, and made herself stop thinking so much.

“Fuck me,” she whispered. “If that’s what you call it.”

“It is,” Mia said, and began to move again.

Ellie concentrated on that.

She felt her pussy against Mia’s. Her lips were pressed around Mia’s, she thought. Her legs were apart, so she was open, and she was squashed gently against Mia. Entangled with Mia.

In a weird way, Mia’s lips were somehow inside her.

That was a strange and frighteningly sexy thought.

Ellie liked this. She liked the wrapping around, and pressing together, and the being able to move herself a little, now she was beginning to work out how.

She moved, and Mia moved, and it was all unspeakably gentle and soft.

She really liked it, Ellie decided. She liked Mia too.

She liked doing this with Mia, and she wanted to do it more.

That was all that really mattered.

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