Asahi Azumane x Reader

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Truth or dare.

Oh truth or dare.

The game people play to make things more interesting. Wether it be answering questions to avoid a penalty or doing something you wouldn't normally do.

Like kissing a complete stranger for example.

"Do I have to?" You ask nervously looking between your friends as you all sit in a circle on the floor surrounding an empty bottle.

"It's either that or upload an ugly selfie on all of your social media and you can't delete it for a month."

"Bu but-" you stutter out trying to come up with an excuse before one of your friends cuts you off.

"Look well pick out the stranger and we wouldn't make you kiss a hobo so calm down." One of your friends reasons.

"I'll give you twenty bucks if you include tongue."

"[F/N]!" You squeak blushing at the thought and they laugh.


"I feel like this could be considered a form of harassment." You say as you and you're friends scope out the area for possible kiss partners.

"Does it have to be a guy?" One of your friends questions.

"Yes!" You almost yell as you turn red.

"You're no fun."

"Oh oh! There's a group of guys at two o clock!" Your friend nudges you and you look from side to side until they grab your head and forcefully move it to see a group of five guys.

"Take your pick."

God this is going to be a awkward.

You stare at them trying to pick one that's suitable. Two are talking rather animatedly so you cross those two off.

They must've said something to make the dark haired one mad because he grabs them by the collars and starts hauling them off as his gray haired friend tries to calm him down.

Which leaves the tall one with a man bun.

He seems intimidating.

"You don't have all day~" your friend coos and you take deep breath before determinedly walking towards him.


Everyone watches as you take determined steps towards the group of boys.

Everyone seems aware of you except for Asahi who is quietly watching his friends as they stop their bickering to stare at something.

He feels a tap on his shoulder and he turns to look at you, surprised to see someone so cute approaching him.

"This is a dare so please don't think too much into it." You hurriedly rush out.

"Wha-" he starts as you grab his face and pull him to your level colliding your lips with his.

He is too shocked to do anything other than stare at you wide eyed.

It feels like an eternity before you part, and you peek open an eye, that you didn't realize you closed, to see the guy you just kissed turning red.

"Whoop! [Y/N]! Get it!"

You abruptly turn around as you hear whoops and whistles from your friends and his, covering your mouth with your hand you quickly walk towards your friends glaring as they cheer.


"Oh my god!" You friend says running into your classroom during lunch and taking a hold of your shoulders, "Guess what!"

~Haikyuu One Shots~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt