Kuroo Testurou x Reader II

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You run a hand through your hair as you stare at the clutter of papers, writing utensils, and books in front of you wondering how your going to make it through this paper. You glance up at the dark haired male in front of you who is diligently working on his own paper.

It still kind of baffled you when you found out the Kuroo was attending the same university as you. It baffled you even more knowing that he shared a class or two with you.

But you weren't going to let it phase you too much. Still seeing how much he's grown...

"Is there something on my face?" He pipes, practically feeling you stare holes into his head. He doesn't have to look up to know you stopped working on you paper.

Truth be told he would probably be staring you down also if you hadn't stopped working. He glances up and gives you a sly smile when he notices your eyes widen before you go back to looking at your own paper, acting like nothing happened.

You probably would have moved spots if the library wasn't so crowded. Though there are other places he could have chosen to take a seat other than in front of you.

You recall the day of your middle school graduation when you look at him right now.

Surprisingly it doesn't hurt you as much, you've finally come to terms with the heart break. Though looking at and being around him made you remember how you used to feel when you two were together.

You remember his little quirks, like his smirking face when he accomplished something or his nerdy argument he made when he wanted to go out for fish.

You also remember how passionately he was with volleyball. He was always a care free little nerd but you remember how stressed he got when he became captain of his middle school team.

Being captain on top of being in the more advance classes and worrying about high school applications you can barely begin to understand how stressed he must've been.

And when thinking back to those moments you don't feel like you helped to ease his stress. With you always wanting to hang out and stuff.

'Maybe I was being to overbearing. Maybe that's why he broke up with me.' You think to yourself as you stare at the paper in front of you.

"You know, staring at the paper isn't going to make it write itself." Kuroo says and you lift your head to give him a dull look.

"Oh that was so funny I forgot to laugh." Your droll rolling your eyes.

An hour and a half later and your paper is halfway finished. You look through your highlighted sources with a sigh before rubbing you face with your hand.

"Pst." You hear, "[l/n] pst."

You meet Kuroo's eyes with narrow eyes as he gives you an innocent smile.

"Do you want to come with me to go get coffee?" He grins and you purse your lips, "come on it's bad to focus on one thing for too long."

You close your eyes and sigh in defeat. Coffee and maybe something to eat sounds good right now.

"You're paying." You say gathering your stuff and putting them neatly into your bag.

~Haikyuu One Shots~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang