Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader

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You stand in your kitchen debating on what you want to make to eat while watching a movie you've been wanting to see. As soon as it came out on DVD/Blu-ray, you boyfriend decided to rent it, along with some other movies you both have been wanting to see, so you both could have a movie day.

"[f/n] I'm going to start the movie without you if you don't hurry up!" Your boyfriend calls.

"But Hajime~ I don't know what I wanna snack on!" You whine, opening random cabinets for any ideas for something to munch on.

"Isn't popcorn the normal thing to have when watching movies?" he questions, getting up from his comfortable spot on you couch to come and assist you on your hunt for suitable sustenance.

"I don't want popcorn~" You state, stretching out the last syllable of popcorn longer than necessary.

"Then you can come back to it." He says hugging you from behind, pulling you gently towards the living room as he rocks on his feet side to side causing you to do the same and follow him.

"But food~" You say reaching toward the fridge to check for food there.

"But the movie~" He mocks in a tone similar to yours that made you giggle a bit.

"Hajime~" You whine.

"[f/n]~" He mocks, causing you to pout a bit.

He laughs lightly as you both edge closer to the couch, still rocking back and forth, he kisses the side of your head as he spreads himself out on the couch, his back leaning against the arm of it before he pulls you down to sit between his legs. You release a deep sigh resting your head on his chest as he starts playing the movie.

Iwaizumi usually wasn't one for PDA, but when it was just him and you he definitely turned into cuddle bug. Not that you minded.

You kept your eyes glued to the screen as soon as the movie started playing. It was mostly just introductory music along with the names of people who would be staring in it. You looked to your stomach where your boyfriend had his hands clasped together and resting before grabbing one of his hands in yours.

"What are you doing?" Iwaizumi asks as you trace the lines on his calloused hands before you put your hand up to his to where your palms are touching.

"You have big hands." you say comparing them before Iwaizumi maneuvers his fingers to where you're holding hands... waffle style...

"Yeah, but our hands fit together perfectly." He says and you giggle.

"That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard in my life." you laugh and he does to.

"Hey, I thought girls liked cheesy." he laughs and you chuckle.

"Who said I didn't like it?" You question, turning to look at him with a raised eyebrow as if challenging him, when he suddenly makes a serious face.


Short and sweet. I hope y'all like this... (I'm from the south so please excuse my "y'all" and "ain't"). I can totally see Iwaizumi being a cuddle bug when it's just him and his s/o. I'll try to make the next ones a little longer~ so please be patient

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