Bokuto Koutarou x Reader

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You sigh during the end of your last period, it was study hall for your class and you managed to finish almost all of your homework. So you sat there with nothing to do, being burnt out of doing homework for a bit, and no one to really talk to.

You never talked much during school, and it's almost undeniable that you have a small presence considering you've accidentally been sat on a couple of times. When you did talk it was so softly and nobody would hear it unless they were actually listening to you.

So people often questioned your childhood best friends as to why he, the loud and out going Bokuto Koutarou, hangs out with someone who's so quiet.

You never minded him being loud, he is talkative too so there was never an awkward moment between you two.

Because of never really talking you've observed people, how they move, the expressions they make, what emotions they're probably feeling and so on you were good at reading people.

"[f/n] -chan!!!" A voice booms durning a little after the last bell rung, slamming open the door to your class and heading towards your seat, "come watch practice!" He says happily grabbing you wrist and pulling out of the classroom as you quickly grab your packed school bag before accidentally leaving it like you did the last three times this happened.

You couldn't help but smile at his childish actions as he starts rambling on about what has happened since the last time you've seen each other as he pulls you along to the gym.

When you get there you take a seat in the bleachers like you normally do, before pulling out your homework. You knew that he only wants you to see when they scrimmage at the end of practice, mostly so he can show off.


When it was time for them to scrimmage you see Akashi messing with his hands like he normally does as well as Bokuto spinning his arm around, fully prepared to show off his straight spike.


The game ends with the starter winning versus the second string, but it was a close match.

You're waiting outside of the gym patiently for Bokuto to hurry up.


"If your not going to confess to [f/n] then I am." Akaashi tells his senpai as he changes his shirt.

"B but that's not fair!" Bokuto whines as he hurriedly changes his clothes so he doesn't make you wait longer.

"It's fair, you've had more times to tell her your feelings, so if you're not going to then I am." Akaashi states to purposely rile Bokuto up so he will confess to [f/n].

Without saying anything else, and grabbing his bag, Akaashi makes his way outside to have a talk with you before Bokuto can come out.


"[f/n] san." A voice calls, the gym doors open to reveal Akaashi.

"Keiji -kun." You say surprised he wants to speak to you.

He takes a step outside in front of the gym doors beckoning you to come over to him, "I want to ask you something."


To any bystander who happened to be looking onto the scene of Akaashi and [f/n] conversing with one another it would seem like one was confessing their feelings to the other. The way [f/n] was blushing and how Akaashi was smiling.

Of course as soon as you nod your head Bokuto runs out of the gym, not really thinking about the consequence and tackles [f/n] into a hug.

"No!" He says loudly holding tightly onto the poor girl, refusing to let her go, "you can't have her!" He protests.

"K Koutarou -kun." You stutter out blushing harder than you were before.

"No! [f/n] listen!" He says gripping you by your shoulders and forcing you to look at him, "I've always loved you and I want you to be my girlfriend! So please accept my feelings!" He confesses giving you a serious face that you can't help but squirm under.

"P please take care of me." you respond, fidgeting a bit.

"Of course!" He responds holding your face in his slightly calloused hands before kissing you full on the lips. It's short but sweet and you both can't help but turn red.



You two are walking home, hand in hand as a questions flows through Bokuto's mind.

"What were you and Akaashi talking about and why were you blushing?" He questions you causing you to turn red again.

"H he was asking, I if I like you more than a friend." you respond looking away as he beams at you.

"Akaashi you sly dog you." he mumbles under his breath.


*Akaashi on his way home*



Sorry if this was terrible... I don't really feel inspired to write anymore so if you are reading this then please don't expect frequent updates.

I will try to update as much as I can but I can't make any promises.

~Haikyuu One Shots~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя