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( Bryce above. )

Marianna's p. o. v

" Bryce? " I asked confused as he crawled on the floor in my bedroom.

" It's not Bryce. " He whispered as his hand crept up and grabbed my headphones off the dresser. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to go by the bed. I jumped on his back as he groaned and I yanked my headphones out of his hands.

" Not yours. " I said as I pat his cheek and put my headphones back on the dresser.

" You're not even using them! "

" If you didn't lose yours, you wouldn't have to come get mine. Clean your room and find them. " I said as I pulled him up by his shirt and shoving him out of my room. I went to shut the door and a big ass boot stopped it.

The Alpha King.

" I'm sorry, your foot seems to be in my way. " I spoke, not looking up.

" Why have you yet to inform your parents about us being mates? " He spoke. His voice huskier than it was earlier. He then stepped back.

" I can't. " I said.

" Why can't you? " He asked, I looked up and saw a frown on his face.

" My father has promised me the Alpha of Councils. " I spoke as I shut my door and locked it.

That's right. I've been promised to someone else. My father chose my mate, knowing that I could find my mate, but he promised me to the Alpha of Council because he covered up the death of a human my father killed. My father went crazy, he has silver in his blood. He killed a human and I became promised to the Alpha of Councils. I was 9 at the time and he was 20. He's 28 now and waiting until I turn 18 to claim me and have me produce a heir for him as soon as his mark is on my neck.

 He's 28 now and waiting until I turn 18 to claim me and have me produce a heir for him as soon as his mark is on my neck

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I silently sat at the dining table as I listened to the others talk. Alpha King was not talking, I felt his hard and hot gaze on me.

" Alpha King-" My father announced with a smile," we'd like you to meet Xaleb. He's The Alpha of Councils. Also Marianna's mate. " he said as then Xaleb came walking in.

" It's a pleasure to meet you. " Xaleb smiled and shook The Alpha Kings hand. He also shook my parents hand and Bryce, claiming it was nice to see them after such a long time.

" My favorite, Marianna. " He smiled as he opened his arms.

" Hug him! " My mom hissed through mind link. I rolled my eyes as I scooted my chair back and walked into his arms, loosely wrapping my arms around him.

" Sit down, Xaleb! We've got your food. " My mom said as he finally let me go. I sat down at the table, I noticed Alpha Kings eyes were black.

I just realized I don't even know his name.

" Zion," He mind linked me.

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