Get out of my Jurisdiction (but never in my heart)

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Author's note: Here it is! The opener for the collection! I hope you guys like it! :) 

It's long so bear with me, I got carried away. XD


Love lots,

-Babyfacesweetheart xx

P.s The author's note in the end is important. :D please read.

Summary: Zayn was the chief of police and Niall is the lieutenant. The only difference is Zayn is in New York while Niall is a police on training on becoming a chief of police in Washington who will apparently work for them the rest of winter until summer. Apparently, they developed a weird relationship that the whole police station talks about which mostly consist of ‘I ship them so hard men.’ and yeah. Did I mention Louis is getting married with Harry and Louis decided to mix it in Zayn’s problem? So yeah, I did mention it now.


Zayn hated nights in New York, especially if you are a British boy trying to get by the American’s way every day of your life. Zayn sometimes try to think of a good enough reason to leave America and go back to London, which is none because believe it or not. Growing up in London was like being choked. Zayn can’t deny you won’t like London that much if your parent doesn’t even let you like it for one bit. The only escape was to accept the cross-country job of being the first British to seat on the chief of police and the youngest at the age of 23.

Basically, Zayn turns to like New York and he wished he could like London as much if he had a break he will surely spend two weeks in London just to know his mother land. Anyway, Zayn only hate one thing in New York. Like what said earlier it was the nights.

The only upside was the lights but nothing else. He hated the nights because he had to go climb up a 4 story building in order to reach his penthouse. Yes, he has a penthouse and it’s big enough to fit two elephant. No, he didn’t get this money from the police money; it was actually the fruit of his hard work thank you very much.

So yeah, Zayn hated that thing and also he hated the nights because apparently his neighbors downstairs decided to be a vampire and be up all night. All in all, Zayn couldn’t get a proper good night sleep.

Tonight is no difference except another big problem was being shouldered and brought home with it.


Zayn moodily opened the door of his penthouse. He walked a little further and threw his bag on the couch and slumped himself on it.

“Damn it.” Zayn groaned as he ran a hand on his face when he heard his phone announced that he got five messages. He walked towards it and let it play all the messages while he was making himself a cup of coffee.

‘Zayn, this is Amanda Withholder. Remember me when you were on the field. You saved me from that frenzied kidnapper a few years ago. I would just like to ask again if your are—‘

Zayn immediately pushed the button on stopping the message and sighed. That girl was giving him the creeps and honestly, he was kind enough not to put a restraining order on her. She knew he was gay, why wouldn’t she stop. Zayn walked towards the kitchen which is connected from his sitting room. He walked towards his kettle and weighed it if it has water. He quickly opened the cupboard above one of the kitchen counters and pulled out of a box tea collection. When he was settled on waiting for the water to boil the next message came in.

‘Hey Zee, its Louis, Yeah, yeah I know I suck when I didn’t tell you I was going to marry Harry but hey! You are invited actually and it’s happening the week after next, Saturday on American calendar. Since you know I am in London and I think its Tuesday there, October 15. So it’s going to be on November 2nd. Oh crap, I’m getting married men and you are kind of my best man. The wedding will be on the Caribbean beach. We will be flying there tomorrow, see you soon bro! Bye.’

The Story of our Life (A Collection of Ziall One Shots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant