01 :: backstory

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01 :: backstory

     She was quite the opposite of a queen; a delinquent some would say. She was not always that way, however, she could have resembled a princess. That was until a certain person became engrossed with her–almost always in her presence.

     "Hi, I'm Ren," he introduced himself the moment they met.

     Everything went downhill from then. Questions and thoughts flooded her mind about the boy practically every dying second. She became infatuated with him; she fell in love with him.

The two were the closest of friends and did everything together. Ren's personality rubbed off on the previously timid girl and made her confident in her own skin.

Ren's influence made her bad–it made her the delinquent. All she wanted to do was please him or make him smile at her. Oh that smile of his was indeed a weakness. Undoubtedly, it was for most.

"You're my hurricane," he often whispered to her. She loved the nickname he gave her, especially when it rolled off of his tongue. She was his hurricane. The thought always brought a grin to her face.

Before she met Ren she was only known as Queenie—the girl with the unusually unique name. Sure, she had a handful of friends but they were more or less only acquaintances. She wasn't an odd ball like most expected her to be–only quiet. Although, after she and Ren had gotten closer she was then Queenie—the smart aleck, the life of the party, the hot girl, trouble.

     Ren was always popular. Everyone knew him even if they did not exactly know him. At first, Queenie was confused why he took such an interest in her. He thought she was special.

     Surprisingly, the two formally met at a high school dance. Queenie was wearing dark skinny jeans and a maroon Harvard hoodie and was attending to the snack bar. Ren wore an all black suit.

     He approached the table staring at all the pastries lining it not yet noticing the out-of-place girl behind the selection. She was loading the tub of drinks up with more water bottles to keep up with the mass of students at the dance. Her appearance brought a smile to his face.

     "Hi, I'm Ren," he introduced.

     "I know who you are," Queenie coughed and quickly introduced herself to cover up the rather creepy comment. "Queenie."

     "I like that. It's very unique," Ren complimented her.


     "Of course..." he trailed off, "...can I ask you something?"

     She finished placing the bottles and turned to look directly at Ren. She thought of how attractive he really was. She nodded, "Go right ahead."

"Why aren't you dressed up? Most girls die to glamour up for these dances."

She chuckled, "What's the point of getting all dolled up if I'm only working the snack table? There is none."

From then on Ren took quite the liking to Queenie. He'd begin to annoy her to a point where if he did not do so she would miss it desperately.

Hurricane QueenieWhere stories live. Discover now