Chapter 27: Conversations

Start from the beginning

"You talk to much for someone who doesn't know anything. How much can your eyes see, Sasuke?" Itachi asked him.

"They see what I want to see: your death."

I don't remember well what happened after that because they went into combat. I only saw copies after copies, each time the katana went through Itachi, crows and more crows faded from his clone. I didn't know when these two would finalize the battle because I only saw genjutsus. I got scared a bit when I saw Sasuke use his chidori but Itachi blocked it although he couldn't avoid going through the katana.

I thought it was the original, seeing as he fell to the floor looking at Sasuke but when he moved his fingers indicating towards the right, I realized that Itachi was still on his feet and the clone on the ground began disappearing into a crows. How to defeat an Uchiha?! I couldn't even tell which was real or which was the copy. Sasuke also stood up and looked at him.

When I looked closely, the Itachi that was on his feet had been attacked from the back with a katana while the Sasuke that I thought was real, faded into a bunch of white snakes. What the hell was up with these two and all these genjutsus? They were driving me crazy because not even the two of them were the original ones!

"That's enough!" I shouted. "Gods, stop this! I'm tired of your damn illusions! It's a dirty trick and creepy to those of us who can't follow!"

The two of them stopped and when they looked at me. I noticed that they hadn't moved an inch from where they sat on the rocks since the beginning. It had all been an illusion? They had been fighting with clones all this time and not once had they moved- this was insane!

"You owe me an order, Sasuke." I told him and I could see Itachi blink in surprise. "I want you to stop and to talk things over, I'm tired of all this fighting. Why not talk it out like civilized people?! Fix this without fighting and this is an order, Sasuke." I told him, reminding him of what he told me in the bath.

"Fine." He said, clicking his tongue in annoyance as if he liked none of this. "I did promise you. I won't kill him until we fix this in a civilized manner." He said, trying to turn my order around and I didn't complain so long as they were going to try to talk it out instead of using their genjutsu to kill one another.

"What do you want to know, Sasuke?" Itachi asked in a civilized manner.

"Who helped you with the massacre of our clan?" He asked. "You said on that day that there was someone else and you couldn't possibly kill everyone on your own, so there had to be someone else. Who was the other Uchiha who helped you?" Itachi smiled.

"How perceptive. Uchiha Madara, although if you want to kill him like me, you won't be able to. You thought he was dead just like you thought I was an affectionate older brother to you. Everything was an illusion, Sasuke." Itachi said. "We're experts in illusions, you should know that."

"That's not true." I told him when I saw Sasuke get nervous and his brother looked at me directly. "You loved him; you protected your brother. Why else would you let him live if you didn't care about him?"

"To measure his abilities." Itachi said and I smiled.

"You're a bad liar, Itachi. You let him live... because you couldn't kill your own brother."

"That could be true," he told me, "but that doesn't stop me from killing him now because you're coming with me and I don't care if I have to kill him now to get you."

"You're not taking him."

"Why did you kill them?" I asked him.

"To test my strength." Itachi simplified his answer and although I didn't see his lie, Sasuke did.

"That's not true. Why did you do it?" Sasuke asked. "My eyes aren't what they used to be. I can see through your lies."

"You're as smug as always, Sasuke." His brother criticized but he smiled and I think, it was caring. "I killed them all because they were going to rebel. It was an order from the ANBU and only an Uchiha can kill another Uchiha. I let you live because I made a deal with them to keep you safe. I took the blame for it all to avoid gossip that could dishonor our Uchiha clan's name. It was avoided so that you could continue to be smug with your last name just like you are now... Sasuke." He said to his brother and to me, it sounded like the truth.

"They used you?"

"I did it on my own accord so you wouldn't have to deal with dad's expectations. So you wouldn't have been involved in the massacre that our clan was going to do to the village, so yes, I killed everyone except for you. I couldn't kill you, you're my brother. I suppose it doesn't matter now how much I tried to save you, since you left the village."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I was never going to tell you." Itachi told him. "I guess I am getting a bit soft. But I assure you of one thing- you're not taking Deidara from me. I lost my clan, my family, my village, my position in ANBU, and I was tagged as a traitor. I could lose everything but I won't permit that anyone take Deidara from me, not you, not anybody."

"He doesn't want to go back with you after what you did to him."

"Of what I did to him? What did I do?" Itachi asked as if doubting and his eyes passed from Sasuke towards me. "What did I do to you?" He asked me directly and I choked; the words wouldn't come out.

"You abused him." Sasuke bluntly stated.

"I abused you? We only did it once and it was you who begged me when we were on the bed. I told you that it wasn't necessary, that you needed to heal yourself first."

"It was on the table." I told him.

"On the table? I think you're mistaken because I have done nothing to you on any table."

That surprised me, but I had seen it. He had had those red eyes of his and although I closed them to not fall into his genjutsu, it was him. I saw him there by the door, it was his voice that had spoken to me.

"Are you sure it wasn't you?" Sasuke asked him.

"When I woke up, it was day and Deidara wasn't there. They told me that you had attacked him." Itachi told Sasuke.

"Wait, wait," Sasuke said. "they told you that I attacked him? I found him on the floor half-dead and I took him to my base to heal him. Plus, I only wanted him to attract you and kill you." Sasuke confirmed.

"If you didn't attack him and I didn't abuse him..." Itachi started and just like Itachi, Sasuke realized. "Akatsuki."

"I'm going to kill them all." Sasuke said, They've been playing with us."

"It's your fault." Itachi said. "They used your hatred against me to do it."

"My hate? And what about yours? You wanted to kill me to take him!"

"You wanted to kill me because I carried out a mission from the village to protect it!"

"Enough, both of you!" I interfered. "They've been playing with all of us." I commented to them. "What are we going to do?"

"Kill them all." Sasuke said and I saw Itachi grin.

"We won't et anybody live." Itachi added.

"Together?" Sasuke asked towards his brother as if trying to make peace with him.

"Together." Itachi confirmed. "Let's get out of here, we have much to do."

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