Soda's Girlfriend And Me

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"Thanks guys" I said. I laid my head on his shoulder and looked back at the park. Soda and her talked while they walked to the house. We got up the steps and we all went in the house, she even came in too. I feel bad for her, the guys are loud and they ask lots of questions too. Soda put me down on the couch and she sat beside me. He went and got ice and a cloth to clean my face.

"Hey Zay, did you fall at the park?" Johnny asked. I nodded my head. Soda came back and cleaned my face then he put the ice on my ankle. She looked at me and put her thumb on my cut above my eye.

"What happened to your eye?" She asked.

"Girl at school pushed me" I said. I can see from the corner of my eye how mad Pony is now.

"Hey Soda, whose the girl?" Dal asked.

"My girlfriend Ava" He said. Nice name she has. She's also pretty, nice and I like her. I can see why Soda likes her too or loves her. Whatever one he picks. 

"Zay, whose your ankle?" Soda asked.

"Getting better" I said. My eyes I bet are still red and puffy. If they ask I will say its from the sand that got in my eyes.

"I better go" Ava said. Her and Soda left outside. Guess she can't walk herself home. I like how he found someone else to love and appreciate. I just worry that he'll leave or foget about me soon. I talked to him like three times today and that's it. I got off the couch and walked to the kitchen.

"Zay, your ankle" Pony shouted.

"I lied" I yelled back. I went in the fridge and did not grab the 'apple jucie'. I grabbed some milk and put it in my cup. The guys all came in and stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Why did you lie?" Johnny asked.

"I only lied about my ankle Johnny. I actually did fall off the monkey bars. I just wanted my brother to take his attention off his girlfriend and on me" I said. I pushed through them and went back to the living room. I jumped on the couch and watched Mickey mouse. They came and sat down in the living room too.

"Zay" Pony asked.

"mmhm" I mumbled.

"Zay, your jealous" Pony said.

"Am not" I said.

"You even know what jealous means?" Two-bit asked.

"Yes I do, that's why I am top kid in my grade smart one" I replied.

"Calm down Zay" Dal said.

"I'm going to bed" I said. I got off the couch and brought my milk with me to my room. I put it on my desk and colored. I color a lot and draw pictures too. I just hide all the drawings under my bed from the guys. They'll just say they like my picture and they don't even mean it. I know it, a kid from school said it and I over heard her say it. I heard the front door open and Soda come in. I got off my chair and stuck my ear to the door.

"Where's Zay?" He asked.

"Being jealous" Johnny answered.


"Because you've been with Ava all day and never paid attention to her." Pony said.

"I'm sorry, she looked like she was having fun running around" Soda said. Please, I've got no friends and it ain't fun running around the park all day and sulking for 15 minutes behind a slide hiding from her brother. I heard foot steps coming and I ran to my chair and pretended to color. The door opened and Soda came in.

"Zay, can we talk?" He asked.

"Depends on the subject Soda" I said.

"Today" He said.

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