Chapter 1- Bloodletting

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"Dad!" I heard Maggie yell and I look at Beth and then see Maggie come in"You need to see this." she tells us and we all rush outside to see whats going on. When we all get outside we see a man running with a young boy in his hands, as he gets closer we can see the blood.

"Was he bit?" Dad asks "No, shot by your man." the man says out of breath "Otis?" Patricia asks and I look at Maggie both of us with concerned looks on our faces. "He said to find Hershel, is that you?" he asks "Get him inside!" "Help my boy." the mans says about to cry running into the house.

"Patricia I need my full kit!" Daddy yells "Maggie!" "Yeah?" "Grab pain killers anything, grab it all." "okay." "Riley get clean towels, sheets, alcohol." "Okay." I yell running to get everything he asked for. I come back into the room with everything in my hands and start to get everything done that I remember Daddy taught me opening the kit working along Maggie.

"I've got a heartbeat but it's faint." he says "I've got it step back." Patricia says taking the mans place "Maggie I.V" "We need some space." Maggie says trying the get by the crowded bed to hook up the I.V. "Your name?" Daddy asks "R-R-R-Rick." he stutters "Rick were going to do everything we can okay? You need to give us some room." he says and i walk up to him.

"Come on, over here." I say taking his arm leading him away. He starts to walk away and I follow him, he gets outside and takes off his hat looking at another stranger that came with Otis "Is he alive?" Otis asks looking at Rick "Hes still alive?" he asks again "Yes, Daddy's working on him right now." I say answering the question.

The stranger walks up to rick and takes out a rag "Hey its okay man, you got blood." he says as he wipes his forehead of the blood of his son. He walks back inside and everyone follows me giving Otis a slap on the back as he goes inside before me.

We walk into the room and Dad starts speaking "Do you know his blood type?" he asks "A+ same as mine." he says exhausted "Perfect don't go to far I'm going to need you. What happened?" he then looks at

Otis "I was tracking a buck, bullet went through it, went clean through." he says stuttering a bit "The deer slowed the bullet down, which saved his life, but it did not go through clean it broke up into pieces. If I can get the bullet fragment out I'm counting six." Dad says and Otis starts a conversation with Patricia "Lori doesn't know, my wife doesn't know my wife doesn't know." he says crying and I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch.

The two men walk out and I walk in trying to help in any way possible. "He needs blood." Dad says I walk out into the room where the men are "Rick, he needs blood." I say and they get up walking into the room. He sat down and I started to get out everything I needed I then stick the needle into the vein in his arm drawing blood and then passing it to Patricia.

The boy screaming and finally stopping all of us looking over "he just passed out." Dad says and we all let out a breath.

The two men walk out Rick looking pail and in pain, "He's stable for now." the man other man who's name is Shane. We let out a breath and I sit holding Maggie's hand. "Lori has to be here, Shane she has to know." "I get that, I'm gonna handle it, but you have to handle your end." "My end?" Rick asks "Your end is being here, for your son. Even if he didn't need your blood to survive I still wouldn't let you walk out that door, man i'd brake your legs if you tried. You know that right? If something happened to him and you weren't here, if he slipped away while you were gone, you would never forgive yourself man and neither would Lori man." he says and Rick nods his head "Your right." "When was I ever wrong?" he says joking around.

He goes on to tell a story about when Rick was in the hospital and for the first time I notice the sheriff outfit hes wearing and I assume that's got something to do with him being in the hospital. They get close "You've got the hard part and I'll take care of the rest." and then you could tell they were best friends.

Daddy walks through the door "He's out of danger for the moment but I need to remove those remaining fragments." "How? You saw how he was." "I know at that was the shallowest one, I need to go deeper to get the others." "Awe man." he says "There's more." "Tell me." "His belly's descended, pressures dropping, which means there's internal bleeding. A fragment must have nict one of the vessels. I have to open him up find the bleeder and stitch it and he can't move while i'm in there and I mean at all, if he reacts the same at all, i'll sever an artery and he'll be dead in minutes. To even try this I have to put him under, but if I do he won't be able to breath on his own, same bad results."

"What'll take?" Rick asks "A respirator, what else?" Otis asks "The tube that goes with it, extra surgical skills, drapes, sutures." "If you had all that you could save him?" "If I had all that I could try." "The nearest hospital went up in flames a month ago." Otis says and Dad gives him a look "The high school." "That's what I was thinking, they set up a femer shelter there, they would have everything we need." "The place was over run the last time I saw it you couldn't get near it, maybe it's better now."

"I said leave the rest to me, is it to late to take that back?" Shane says attempting to joke around "I hate you going alone." Rick says "Come on, doc why don't you draw me a list, a map." "you wont need a map." Otis says and I give him a look "I'll take you there. Ain't but five miles." "Otis no." Patricia says "Honey we don't have time for guess work and I'm responsible. I ain't gonna sit here while this fella risks his life going alone. I'll be alright." he says "You sure about that?" Shane asks

"Do you know what any of the stuff he's talking about looks like?" he asks laughing "Come to think no." he says "I have been a volunteer EMT, i do, we can talk about this until Sunday or we can do it real quick." "I'll take real quick." Shane says "I should thank you." "Wait till that boy of yours is up running around, then we'll talk. I'll gather some things." he says walking upstairs.

"Where is she? Your wife." Maggie says walking up to Rick "Mags no." I say "Im going to help Ry." she says and I walk away into the room where the injured boy Carl is.


"Be careful." I tell Otis as I hug him "Don't do anything stupid." I say walking away to where Dad stands him placing a hand on my shoulder as I watch Otis and Patricia hug and then I walk into the house watching the truck drive off from the window.


The blue truck pulls up and I grab Maggie's hand "There back." I say letting out a breath. We walk outside along with dad, Rick, and Lori. Shane climbs out of the truck "Carl?" he asks with a limp handing the bag to Dad. "He still has a chance, thanks to you." Rick says "Otis?" Dad asks and Shane shakes his head.

"No, No." I say holding onto Maggie us both crying.


Hey guys! I know this Chapter isn't the most exciting but it is only the first chapter so I still have to get into the story!

I hope you're enjoying the book so far though, I am so excited for you guys to read this whole thing and I can't wait till we get to the bonding moments of Riley and Daryl!

Thank you guys for reading! If you like this book or this chapter leave a comment giving me feedback and also vote for it!

Love you all and thank you for reading!

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