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"Death row?" You frowned.

The male frowned sadly and nodded, "Yes. We try to help as many animals as we can here but sometimes a few fall through the cracks. This one more so considering his temperament."

You looked at the very large dog in the cage stall and studied him, his fur was matted and dirty and you were sure you smelled him long before you found him when looking around. The poor thing had a long scar over it's left eye that only boost the intimidation factor.

Honestly, he wasn't much in the handsome range either.

"He was very hard to catch. Some people thought he was a wolf when they called us; Shaun had to use two darts to take him down."

"He is very big," You breathed in awe, "Do you think he may have some wolf in him...?"

The animal worker sighed and crossed his arms, "Maybe. There's no sure way to tell with animals sometimes. He certainly acts a bit like one, we've been throwing him meat over the fence because we're afraid he'll attack."

He sighed again and scratched the back of his head. "Look, lady. There are plenty of other dogs here that deserve a good home. I know it's a sad situation about this one, but there's nothing we can do about it and I rather not get my hopes up. I don't wanna say you can't handle him..."

You shifted on your feet, staring at the dog who seemed to be glaring intently at the two of you the whole time, not making a single sound.

"He's not even technically up for adoption; I would love to save him, really. But I don't think-"

"I can take him." You said quickly, looking into the worker's eyes to prove you wouldn't back down. "How much?"

The man, Kyle on his name-tag, blinked in shock. "I..R-Really?!"

He loved animals, he loved his job and he loved saving them. He just didn't think someone as small as you could handle such a massive creature. "I-I mean...No, I can't. He's not up for adoption."

You crossed your arms and scowled, putting on your 'Don't tell me how to live my life' look. "How much?"

Kyle shifted, feeling like this little woman was going to deck him if he didn't do it her way and muttered, "You weren't supposed to even come back here..."

But he ended up leading you back to the office to sign a few forms and even got a coloring page of a paw for them to hang up on the front door for visitors. You colored it as you liked while they finished filing the paperwork, though you couldn't think for the life of you what name to write on the paper for your new pet.

'I'll just have to figure out his name once we get home.' 

"Just sign here and here and he's yours." Kyle smiled, he was happy about the adoption, he just wondered if he made the right choice letting you have him. He even had to fudge some paperwork to make it seem like they had put the dog down so management wouldn't ask any questions.

Once everything was signed and done, you bought some of the toys and accessories they had on display in the little office area. Balls, doggy bowl, leashes, collar. You were going to get more once you had the chance to hit up PetSmart, but this was okay for now.

"Here, we'll throw this in too. No charge," Kyle grinned, placing a huge dog food bag on the desk. "We'll get this to your car then go collect your new roommate."


'This guy has an impressive set of canines', You thought worriedly as Kyle tried to get the leash on his neck.

The animal continued to growl and snarl, though a bit shakily the closer Kyle got to him.

"He's still a little drugged up, but don't worry; I'm sure-" The worker let out a high pitched yelp when he was snapped at, almost losing a hand when he got it close to his face.

Kyle knew this was a bad idea - there was no way this lady could handle this beast!

You frowned and snatched the collar and leash from the male and walked closer to your pet, hands on your hips as you wagged a finger at him. "No. No biting."

The dog growled, ready to snap again, but this time at you.

"No." You said sternly, but very slowly held out your hand for him to sniff. You weren't snapped at, but you definitely held your breath as he took a tentative whiff.

He didn't bite, but he did growl softly as you gently placed the leash and collar on him. Smiling in victory, you started to walk with the dog, only to be jerked back as he plopped on the floor and yawned widely.

"Ah, wait a minute!!"

Kyle laughed, the animal going from intimidating to uninterested in a heartbeat was quite a sight.

"He...I just need him to trust me is all!" You huffed, refusing to give up. You gave him a gentle tug. "C'mon, boy! C'mon!"

The animal sneezed in response and closed his eyes. He was being difficult.

You frowned, "Look. If you stay here you'll be put down. Don't you realize you're on death row? This is a mutual benefit here."

Kyle watched in amusement as you talked to the dog and briefly wondered if he'd understand a word you were spewing.

Crouching down, you placed a gentle hand on his head and cooed, "C'mon big guy. Come home with me. I promise to take good care of you."

It was a few moments before he opened his one good eye and huffed, looking annoyed more then anything as he got up. He looked like he was going to trust you for now, so you were damn well going to be sure he was treated well and would love his new home.

Standing back up, you grinned and started to walk forward, cheering silently when he walked in step with you; Kyle even clapped his hands in amusement (he was glad the dog was listening to someone at least).

"Let's get home and clean you up and get some food-" You almost fell over when the dog suddenly turned to go down another hallway instead of out the front doors where you had been heading. "Not that way!!"

House Trained (Werewolf!Zoro x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat