"What do you want to do right now?" Natsu looked at me while i stared at him.

"I dont know, what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Do you want to explore my room? My father doesnt allow me out of my room before 8" Natsu shrugged.

"Sure you dont mind right?"I glanced back at Natsu who shook his head slowly.

I pulled the covers off me jumping down the bed and walking slowly around his room Natsu standing up and following behind me.

I brushed the books on his shelf acknowledging the fact that all were non-fiction. Hovering over certain books that i have read before surprisingly there were many.

"Im guessing you like reading non-fiction books?" I looked back at him who nodded.

"i like to stick to reality"

I nodded since it was a really good point.

Natsu stood a few feet behind me watching me, i could feel his eyes on my back.

Walking over to his desk i noticed quite a lot of papers piled up on the edge.

There was a red lamp on the other corner and there was a jar of neatly sorted pencils.

"What are these papers for?" I didnt want to pick up one in case he didnt want me to.

"My father makes me learn how to rule our company and all the things to becoming a great CEO" Natsu showed me another drawer of papers.

"Wow he seems really strict and i would never have assumed that because he was so warm when you guys came to visit" I explained expressing my shock.

"Yeah i guess you could call him a two sided person, he's very serious when it comes to Dragneel Corps"

"Thats a good thing i suppose" I looked at the rest of his desk which was empty.

"Sometimes but dont worry you wont ever see his strict side" Natsu reassured probably thinking that i thought Igneel was scary which i actually didnt think so, Everyone has a side to them that is scary even my father has those times especially when i hear him shouting on the phone.

"Natsu its fine" I turned around brushing my hands with his causing him to flinch.

I frowned at bit but decided to ignore since Natsu didnt seem like a person who was  good at expressing his feelings.

I continued to look and wander around his room until I reached his stack of sports equipment.
" You play a lot of sports" I observed the rack of different balls and the trophies on the wall behind the rack.
" Yeah my dad makes sure that I'm active everyday and to get outside and play not stay home that much" Natsu explained standing beside me admiring his trophies.

"Judging by the medals your good" I brushed a trophies that read 2003 World Soccer Champions Flaming Dragons.  " Is your team called Flaming Dragons? " I looked at a team picture labeled Flaming Dragons,  All of them were huddled together with the trophie being held in the middle.
Natsu was standing huddled in the back grinning with the soccer stadium behind them.

" I was proud of my team that day" Natsu smiled slightly when I looked at him.
"Wait a minute your the team captain of the Flaming Dragons?! " I remembered watching TV a few years ago and seeing the Flaming Dragons score a point. They instantly became my favourite team since I saw the captain shoot a perfect beautiful shot
" I don't know am I?" Natsu smirked at me while I pouted but smiled like a Cheshire cat.

" OH MY GOSH!!!  You guys are my favourite team and that perfect last shot was awesome!! " I went into fangirling mode and started to bombard him with questions.

Forced to be with you (Nalu fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now