16 - Me And My Broken Heart

Start from the beginning

'Nikki, I need you, don't give in to his looks.'

It's as if she could hear my thoughts because she looks directly at me as I widened my eyes and lightly nudged my head towards her locker indicating for her to hurry up. Thankfully she got the message.

"This position doesn't bother me either" Lucas whispered as he leaned over closer to my ear.

"Ugh. That might work on other girls but I'm on a whole 'nother playing field than you Lucas."

"Dude what are you doing? I told you to leave her alone."

The anger in this person's voice catches my attention, when I turned my head to see who it was, I'm not surprised to see Jaxon now standing next to Lucas. It's been a few days since our last interaction and we haven't spoken since then, I have been wanting to reach out to him but something keeps pulling me back.

I don't even respond or acknowledge his comment as I looked back to Nikki who now looks like she's about to go into cardiac arrest.

"We'd love to stay and chat boys but we have to go watch Paint dry" I said as I linked my arm with Nikki's to drag her away, perfect timing too because students were already starting to form, watching us and evidently whispering to each other about why we were talking to the "IT" guys.

"Where have you been all my life?" Lucas dramatically yells with his hand on his heart.

I looked back but instead of looking at Lucas I seemed to be stuck on Jaxon who is also staring at me with a disappointed look.

I smiled as I said "A Quarter Mile Away from guys like you!"

* * *

As soon as we sat down ready to take on our next class, I redirected my position to face Nikki, "Care to explain what happened back there?"

She just looked at me with wide eyes as she readjusted her glasses "I clamped up?"

"Clamped up isn't even the word. Which one is it?"

"Which one is what?"

This girl, thinks I'm naive when it comes to guys. She's either madly in love with Jaxon or Lucas. Either that or she really hates guys and is a lesbian. I raised my eyebrow at her "Which one consumes your dreams at night" I smirked at her when I saw the realisation of my words sinking in to her brain.

"I-I don't find them attractive!!"

I pursed my lips together "Try that again Nikki."

She let out a overzealous sigh and slumps her shoulders "I'm totally crushing on Lucas right now" she whispers. While I had waited for her to say the words, I started to become concerned of the possibility that she might have a thing for Jaxon but felt relieved when she confirmed that it was Lucas. Why would this even bother me? I knew for a fact that I didn't have any feelings towards him.

"So why don't you go for it?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

She gives me a 'don't be stupid' look "Are you for real? Look at you and then look at me!"

I creased my eyebrows together in confusion, "What do I have to do with it?"

"He doesn't just chase any girl Avery, you are freaking hot! You have that European look about you. Don't even get me started on your body, God had a lot of patience when he was creating you because every curve is where it should be."

'What the hell is a European Look?'

My face dropped in shock as the blush took over my cheeks at her words. I've honestly never been spoken about in that way, but this is not about me. This is about Nikki, "Nikki, you have no idea how gorgeous you are but you constantly hide your face behind your hair."

"Someone like him would never go for someone like me" she says in a deflated tone.

"Don't sell yourself short Nik!"

"He hasn't noticed me in years, what is so different this time around?" She looks at me waiting for me to answer her question. I just smirked as I playfully shook her shoulders,

"This time, you have me in your life."

* * *

By the time I made it to English, it seems as though Jaxon and Lucas have made the executive decision to permanently stay seated next to the windows directly in front of me. Much to my dismay.

"Just a reminder guys that you should all have already started your diary entries. You have just under two weeks left" Mr. Reid's voice rings through my mind. Already? I literally haven't even thought about it, to be honest every time I put pen to paper I clamped up and couldn't find the strength to write.


I looked up from my notepad at Mr. Reid who was now holding a piece of paper "Yes sir?"

"You're wanted in the principal's office."

"Ooooo" was all I heard from all the students in our class causing me to roll my eyes.

"Do you know what for sir?" I asked nervously.

'I can't get in trouble or kicked out now'

"It says you have an emergency call from your cousin Beau Barr?"

'Cousin Beau Barr?!'

"What kind of name is that?!" someone muttered in class.

My face was automatically drawn to Jaxon, maybe because we both knew for a fact that I had no family members in this town. He was obviously thinking the same thing because you could see the confusion written all over his face. That only made me more nervous, so I got up slowly and made my way out the classroom.

Cousin Beau Barr? Who on earth was calling and telling the school they were my cousin.

'Oh no'

Maybe Noah found me. But it couldn't be him. He'd be sadistic enough to say boyfriend not cousin.

'Oh, My God!'

'Boo Bear!!' Why didn't I think of this earlier!'

I stopped dead in my tracks, it couldn't be. How'd he know what school and town I was at? I started power walking to the front exit hoping that my instincts were right. As I was walking towards the parking lot, I could just make out a figure standing in the distance leaning against the front hood of their black Camaro with their arms crossed over their chest.

I slowed down, he looked a lot like Noah from far but I knew that Noah didn't drive a Camaro. Unless he decided to upgrade, then I was screwed. It was too late to turn back now so I kept walking forward at a much slower pace.

I exhaled a shaky breath and prayed to God that it wasn't someone I didn't want to see.

* * *

A/N: Who do we think has found Avery?

Next Chapter: We get an insight of who found Avery and what their relationship is like with Avery and it appears as though someone is itching to get back into racing. I wonder who that could be!

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