"I'm surprised you came. You sounded reluctant on the phone." He confesses, holding all of my weight in his two hands. And he's just watching me, my body, my movements. He looks as if he's satisfied doing this and only this. "And by the way," He whispers, bringing his face closer to my ear, "You are even more ravishing in the day light."

I blush again, "Oh, stop." I plead quietly and laugh.

He stills his gaze on me and untangles us, taking my hand and pulling me along with him down the sidewalk. As we walk to our unknown destination, Zayn begins to speak.

"Be honest with me, Rosalie." He says softly, "Is there a real reason you hesitated to call me?" His eyes find my own and his brow raises. I swallow. "Or someone?"

So he gets straight to the point. He knows.

How did he find out? How could he possibly know?

My face falls and I look away from him. He looks away also, nodding his head once he understood, but he didn't let go of my hand.

"He's.. he's not my boyfriend." I speak up, trying not to ruin our night already. "Well, he isn't anymore."

Zayn's brows raise again. "Are you sure?" He questions smoothly, pulling us around the corner and continuing along the sidewalk.

"Yes." I answer slowly, slightly taken back by his forwardness. I move my eyes from him and look anywhere else.

"And you feel bad for seeing me because?" He questions further, pushing me for answers.

"Eric was my first boyfriend in high school. We lasted all 4 years and we even graduated together. But our relationship ran it's course and I broke it off a while ago." I answer him honestly. "We're still good friends. I just don't want to hurt his feelings."

Zayn nods, seemingly uninterested. He escorts me across another cross walk. "How old are you again?" He asks me almost cautiously.

"I'm twenty one." I reply. He looks down at me, pleased.

"Alright." He says.

He hums and takes a right turn from the street. He's thinking about something.

"How old are you?" I return the question. It's probably smart that I ask these things. I know nothing about this man and I'm about to be alone with him for the rest of the night.

He quietly snickers and looks down at me. "I'm twenty four."

"Alright." I mimic his answer.

He laughs.


I've had two glasses of wine and I'm having a great time. We're at Lucy's and everyone around us is enjoying themselves, Zayn and I included.

I'm thankful that wine gives me a bubbly rush of courage and it allows me to completely let loose and stop feeling so uptight.

About now, I'm feeling all of said feelings and Zayn is watching me closely. I stand near him, wine glass in my hand, and I gaze back at him back, but less intensely than he stares at me.

INSANE ⋆ Z.M (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now