Author's Note

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Seriously thank everyone single one of you! I'm new at this and I thank you for giving me a chance and reading my Wattpad story. It has taken me over a year to write Broken Pieces and I hope you guys enjoyed it. You lovely flippin humans have made me so happy, you don't know how great-full I am for you guys! I love you guys so much, you mean the world to

Avery Leā

Because I am new to this any constructive criticism would be welcomed, but please be respectful about it.

Have an amazing day or night, and
once again THANK YOU SO MUCH!

If YOU GUYS want an epilogue just tell me in the comments or vote on this part or something, just get my attention and I'll totally do an epilogue.

Broken Pieces... (18+)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang