Chapter 4 // Stormy Skies & Tattered Umbrellas

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Next Morning | 8 am
I awake to the breeze off the ocean and coming storm flowing through the open window, Nate nowhere in sight. I yank off the thin cashmere sheet that just covers my naked body and walk over to his dresser where I find his signature white button-up. I walk down the spiral staircase with a couple buttons left unbuttoned. I see Nate plating breakfast on circular white plates. "Good morning, my sweet girl." He sets the plate on the glass table top and pulls out my chair. I walk over and sit down, the shirt barely covering me.

"Good morning." I take a bite out of the warm muffin. "I hope you don't mind me wearing this." I tug at the shirt.

"Why would I? It fits you better anyways." He finishes off his bacon and brings his plate to the sink. "When you're done I wanna show you something." Nate leans against the marble countertop, his hands in his pockets, pushing down his sweatpants to show off his tempting V-lines again.

"I'm done." Curiosity taking over the feeling of hunger.

"Well okay then, Miss. Maria." Nate walks over, stopping behind my wooden chair. He pulls the chair out and turns it making me face his sculpted abs. "Stay still." Nate runs upstairs, returning minutes later black silk rope in hand.

"Nate?" He gives me a stern look, hushing me.

"Keep still, and quiet." Nate ties my ankle to the legs of the chair. "If you are uncomfortable say so okay, Miss." I unknowingly nod, my legs spread open for his examination.

"I can't hear nods, Miss. Moore." He glares at me, his tone turning him into a stranger.

"Yes sir, Mr. Wolfe." He smirks and continues to tie my hands to the back of the chair, my breast stretching the taut buttons til they finally loosen, revealing my harden nipples. He scans my body, before he goes behind me, and places his large, masculine hands on my shoulders, gently rubbing them.

I try to look up at him. "Stay still, Miss. Moore." His once calm, comforting voice, turns commanding. A thick silk blindfold covers my eyes, blocking my vision, heightening my other senses. Nate leans in close, feeling the soft touch of his breath caress my small ear "Trust me, Maria." I hear his soft footsteps circle me, my body so vulnerable to his every whim. Suddenly the footsteps stop in front of me, my heart anxiously beating out of my chest, trust him, Mari. I feel his strong hand tenderly trace up my thigh, giving me chills all over again. Nate slides a single finger across my moist lips, my body yearning for him, but my mind not willing. "It's okay Maria." His now deep calming voice does nothing to soothe my angst, my once steady breathing quickens.

"I can't do this." My apprehension overpowering my lustful body. Nate promptly unties me, and takes off the blindfold, as awkward tension fills the room. "I think it's time I go." Embarrassed, I leave.

Leaving Nate's | 9 am
Soft raindrops hit the car as I drive home, I turn on the radio trying the drown the bitter thoughts I have towards myself. Why couldn't I just fucking trust him? Why did I let my stupid anxiety ruin it? The thoughts run through my mind over and over. "Trust me, Maria." Nate's voice echoes in my head. The car begins to slow down, as I soon realize it runs out of gas. I pull to the side of the paved road and let out my anger in a series of cursing and thrashing. FUCK! Hits steering wheel. DAMN, SHIT, HELL, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!

"You okay?" My angry rampage silenced by a knock on my window, I roll down the window to see a familiar face peering at me.

"Caiden?" A stunned look covers my face.

"Yeah." His warm beige face filled with confusion. "Maria?!" He pulls his gray beanie down a little further, tucking his ashy brown hair under it. I nod and put a fake smirk on my face trying not to act like he caught me mid-tantrum. "So Maria, are you okay?"

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