Locked Doors.

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There's a reason why some doors are closed, but curiosity took the best of Anxiety as he stared at the black door with a shinny gold doorknob.

He had stumbled upon it when he was wandering Thomas' mind. And when he walked passed by it, something made him stop and walked back in front of it. It was as if he felt something behind the door that made him want to open it. Slowly, Anxiety stretched his hand to the doorknob.

"Anxiety!" He whipped his head to see Logic running towards him and snapped his hand away from the doorknob. "What are you doing?"

The youngest looked at the all-knowing Trait with his eyebrows knitted together in utter bewilderment. "Hey, Logic, why is this door locked? And in the back of Thomas' mind?"

Logic sighed and rubbed his eyebrows with his index and thumb. "It's an old room of nightmares. Just...Just don't open it, okay?" And with that, he pushed Anxiety away from the door. But when he was being pushed away, he couldn't helped but look back in both temptation and, in a way, sadness. As if he was being taken away from something that he loved.

Strange... He thought.


Still intrigued by the door, he went to ask Princey about it. As the Trait's ego is as big as his mouth, then maybe his confession towards the door will bring some satisfaction to Anxiety.

The youngest of the Traits knocked on Princey's white door, which flung wide open, being greeted by Princey's wide smile. "Anxiety!" He paused, looking up and down at him, from his beated up Converse to his quiff that fell over his eye. "Why did you call and appear in front of my sleeping chamber?"

Squinting with an not amused look, he answered. "Can I ask you a question?"

The creative Trait smiled so brightly that Anxiety himself was sure that he would need sunglasses the next time he spoke to him. "Of course, Hot Topic. What is it about, my amazing hair, my incredible voice, how outstanding I am?"

Anxiety rolled his eyes at both the nickname and how he only flattered himself. "No, you overdramatic royal pain in the ass. I was going to ask you about the locked door at the end of the Broken Hall. What's behind it?"

Princey's smile fell from his face so quickly that Anxiety had to blink to see understand the sudden change of emotion. "Oh...that door. Um, you see, my all-wearing-black friend, I cannot tell you that--"

"And why not?" Anxiety demanded with his arms crossed over his chest, stubbornly.

Princey panicked, Anxiety could tell as he was the literal meaning of all bad emotion; and panic was one of them. "Because...it's nothing important! Yes, it's not! Just an old room full of, um...bad memories that Thomas wants to forget. Anyways, it's getting late and I have to polish my, um, sword before Thomas falls asleep. Okay, got to go. Bye, love you!" And with that, he slammed the door at Anxiety's face.

He took a step back and looked at the closed, white door with a confused look. But his face slowly went red when he reviewed what Princey had ranted. Did he just say 'love you' to me? He thought in confusion and flustered. But he let those suspicions for later (so he can go sulk in his room in peace but not in quiet as he will be blasting MCR non-stop, starting with Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge) and turned his head when he heard familiar humming.

There, he saw the eldest of the Traits, Morality or Dad as some people call him. And when he meant 'some people' he meant all of the other Traits, Thomas, and, well, you get the idea. Morality was walking down the hall to his room with two cookies in his hand. "Hiya, kiddo! What's hot?"

Anxiety cringed slightly at the last part but kept a almost-complete straight face. "Nothing, but can I ask you something?"

Dad smiled. "Sure thing, kid. What is it?"

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