Chapter 17

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The doctor had soon returned to finish cleaning the wound and bandage the teens injured eyes "I'm sorry about your eyes young one" the doctor spoke before handing him a bottle "you need to apply this ointment and change the bandage every seven hours until the redness goes down and it looks like a normal scar". Ezra nodded as he clutched the bottle "okay, thanks doc" the man left as the boy stood up - he had taken a seat again during the painful treatment; he yet again waited to regain his balance before taking a step forward, trying to find the door. The crew where about to step in and help the boy but was stopped by him raising his hand - a sign for them to stop "I...I got this" he attempted to reassure before continuing. 

By the time they had reached the Jedi council room, the Hera and Kanan had stepped in more than once to stop the boy from walking into a wall, person or object - the Jedi ended up resting his hand on Ezra's shoulder, guiding him to where he needed to go. The poor boy hung his head, annoyed with himself that he needed help walking. It stayed like this as they entered the room; all of the Jedi Master's were there, but only the crew and Yoda know the extent of Ezra's injury. "Hey guys" Master Depa spoke, a worried smile gracing her lips "how are you Ezra?? Master Yoda said you were injured during the fight with Maul" she asked; the teenager sighed which didn't help their worry. 

Ever so slowly, Ezra raised his head so that the bandage could be seen properly "Maul burnt and blinded me when his lightsaber hit my eyes" the Master's eyes widened and gasps could be heard; Kenobi was the first to speak "oh Ezra...we're so sorry". All the young force user could do was shrug "why?? It wasn't you who threw the lightsaber at Anakin, Kanan and Master Qui-Gon Jinn" that one statement confused everyone in the room - except Yoda of course. "What do you mean Ezra??" Zeb asked; the teen explained "when Kanan, Master Jinn and Anakin were knocked unconscious, Maul threw his lightsaber at them" they listened closely "it was going to kill them so I jumped in front of it....but it ended up hitting and burning me across my eyes". They couldn't believe it - he was blind because he saved them from that pathetic Sith!! 

Hera gently pulled the kid into a tight embrace, careful of his bandaged eyes. Once the briefing was over - which took only twenty minutes, the crew left the council; Sabine returned to her room to pain but soon found herself just lying on her bed upon realizing her little brother would never be able to see any of her art work ever again. Zeb made his way to the gym so that he could take all of his anger, frustration, sadness and horror out on a punch back...or a few. Hera decided to go to the library to look up ways to help someone when they're blind - she wanted to know everything that she could do or/and that might help the young teen. And Kanan took his Padawan to his bedroom; the boy wanted to be alone for a bit, needing time to rest and think about everything that had happened within the last hour. The man respected his Padawan's wishes and left after telling him "if you need anything, contact me through our bond or use your com for the others" he only received a nod. 

Deciding to find his girlfriend, he sensed her location and made his way into the library - she was reading a medical book of course "hey, you okay??" he asked as he sat next to the woman; Hera put the book down as she looked up "I'm fine.....well as fine as can be I guess" she sighed "what about you??". The man also sighed, resting his elbows on the table as he rubbed his forehead "the same" was all he could say. The couple spoke about a multiple of things - all relating to Ezra of course, like different way to help him, how to make things easier for him, how me needed to be with someone at all times - except when in his own room. A kid needs time alone and privacy.  

"Ezra knows that we're here for him and will help him" Kanan stated "but he's stubborn and will want to do things himself" he was right, but Hera couldn't help but smile "sounds like someone I know" they both chuckled as she referred to the man in front of her. Kanan stared into his girlfriends eyes "I love you Hera" the woman's face softened as she lent forward "I love you too dear" and with that, their lips touched as they shared a kiss. When the two parted, they gazed into the others eyes lovingly "we'll be there for him" Hera spoke gently "and when the time is right....we'll ask him".

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