Tokiya Ichinose

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Guys, one question: what song would Masato want to make? Bc this chapter was supposed to be Masato's, but I couldn't find the right song for him so I wrote it for Tokiya. I need help, guys :c

One more song to do today. You just now started regretting your decision of making an album in so little time. Yesterday, after arriving from the puppy cafe with Syo, you had gone straight to working on the songs. You had stayed up until around 3:30 am and the instrumentals were almost finished, which meant that the guys could start recording soon. But it also meant that you would have to do this every day if you wanted to keep up, and it was fair to say it wasn't healthy at all.

Sighing, you stood up and began your morning routine. You did everything slowly, trying to keep yourself from falling asleep while walking. After a few painful minutes, you were dressed and went for some breakfast. You decided on something filling to give you energy for the day.

Eating your food in silence, you wondered what kind of song would Tokiya like. He seemed so much like Masato, you wouldn't be surprised if he wanted something that matched the other man's style. Or maybe he had some hidden thoughts on how the song should go. You honestly didn't know.

Finishing up your breakfast, you went to your bathroom to brush your teeth, then headed to your room for the tablets and finally went to the composing room. Masato and Nanami were already there, talking lightly. You kinda felt uncomfortable interrupting them, but you wanted to finish the song as fast as you could.

"Hello, sunshines. Are you ready?" You mocked Starish's song with a smile. Thankfully, neither of them took it the wrong way. The pianist smiled back at you.

"Hello, (Y/N)." Haruka said. "We were talking about the song."

The statement made you feel kind of left out but you decided to ignore it.

"Oh. Is there anything you've already planned?"

"Not really. I was thinking I'd like us to write the lyrics first, and then being Nanami so we can compose the music." Tokiya said.

"That... Sounds quite interesting." You didn't really like the idea because you knew it would eventually take longer, but you couldn't really argue with the singer. "Miss Haruka, are you okay with that?"

"Huh? Me?"

"Yes. You're the composer! You should have a say in this."

"U-um... I really don't mind. I can come back later. Besides, it's an idea Ichinose has been wanting to try for a long time, so I think he should take this chance."

You nodded. Well, if that's what they wanted, you couldn't argue. That's what they were paying you for.

"Well, then, we'll give you a call when we finish the lyrics. Thank you, Miss Haruka." You smiled at her. She nodded and walked out, leaving Masato and you alone. "Let's start."

He nodded and motioned for you to sit on the couches that were on the other side of the composing room. The day before, you had moved that same couch nearer to the piano so that Syo could seat comfotably while writing the rap parts of his song. You silently wondered who had moved it back.

Tokiya sat down beside you on the couch. "Would you like to make the lyrics and then adapt them to the music? Or would you prefer that we adapt the music to the lyrics?"

"I'd rather adapt the lyrics to the music. That way, we can leave all the heartfelt parts in their purest form, but making them sound graceful."

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