Everyone falls... for the game

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I told you I would publish a small chapter during the week, right? So here are everyone's thoughts about you until now! These are the thoughts on the back of their heads while they are talking with you in your room.

Syo: She's confident and strong, but I think she's got a problem she can't resolve. I feel such a strong need to protect her... Damn she's like a beautiful princess in distress that doesn't really need saving. But I'm determined! Besides, she's so strong-willed and nice... I don't want any other boy getting close to her! Oh, gods... Am I...

Ittoki: (Y/N) is being so nice... I wonder why she gave that nickname. I mean, I don't know her well-enough, but I feel like I could spend all day talking with her, or making music. I'd be completely comfortable with telling her anything! I feel like I know her from somewhere, though... Could it be that I already knew her? Or is it maybe that I am...

Tokiya: Why did Saotome had to get (Y/N) for this? He knows how I ended up after she left, he knows about how I lost my will to sing when she was gone. So why would he bring her back? I can see how her eyes glisten, so innocent and beautiful like the last time I had seen her. I can hear her voice, so pure and wonderful, it makes me want to sing again. And I can feel it. Oh, gods, is it happening again? Am I...

Masato: So interesting... Really, (Y/N) is a truly interesting girl. I can see her eyes raging with determination, almost fiery. I can sense she has a small issue within her, but that doesn't hold her back. She is so lively and confident. I'm amazed at what she can do. I cannot wait to spend my day with her. I don't want the other boys to get to her first. I do not even need to question myself to know why. I think- no, I know...

Ren: This little lamb is so cute. She puts such an adorable face when she's thinking, or confused. And her eyes are such a beautiful color... But the great thing about her isn't only her face. Her movements are so soft, so fluid, maybe because she's a dancer. I get the feeling that even if she tripped, she'd do so gracefully! Gods, she's gorgeous. I wish I could blow her away with just some words. But I don't know if I will even be able not to stutter when I talk to her alone. After all, I think...

Cecil: (Y/N) is as pretty as I remember... even if she's a few months older and could totally defend herself, I feel the need to be by her side, protecting her, holding her hand. The rest if STARISH can stop trying, she's mine. I knew her first. We would play all the time as kids. I really missed her when she left. Yet, I can still see that she's in love with music, I can still see her passion. I can still see her as the princess of music. I remember my mom telling me I would fall in love with the princess of music. So I guess it's true...

Natsuki: (Y/N) is so cute! And adorable! She makes such cute faces when she's talking... expressions I've never seen before! Maybe it's because she's not japanese... but, she's still adorable! I just want to hold her, and hug her, and be with her... I think she's the kind of girl who'd let me give her doll dresses and cuddle her! I'd be sad if she didn't feel the same I do for her. Because, you know...

Syo, Ittoki & Tokiya: Falling in love with (Y/N) ?!
Masato, Ren, Cecil & Natsuki: I am falling for (Y/N)...

I got sick, which means my brain isn't working to it's 100% (like, I spent 2 whole minutes searching for the percent sign). I realized it will take me too long to work on each prize if I'm not on my best, which means I should start asking the winners what they want their prizes to be.
So, I will start telling each winner that they won by message and asking them about their prize. Don't worry, you can still participate if you haven't already.
If you don't receive a message by the end of the week, it means you didn't win, and I'm sorry. :( But you can still ask for the personalized one-shot! Though, it will not be a priority and it may take a while to write (maybe more than a month). I will make another game further into the story, so if you wanted any other prize, that will be your chance!

Have a beautiful day/night/evening! And see you on the next chapter!

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