Setting up

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So I decided to give you guys a New Year's gift... I don't know where y'all live, but it's like 2 am here, so I believe everyone has celebrated happily.

"Let's see, guys, we have to discuss what approach you all want to have with this new album."

"...approach?" Ren asked.

You looked at them surprised. Wasn't this one of the first things that should be taught in Saotome's academy?

Sighing you typed one of the albums you had worked on into the search bar of your music. The album started playing and the boys, along with Haruka recognized the song as one of Hayato's.

"Alright, I'll explain. The approach in an album is what you want all the songs to be about. It can be about heartbreak, falling in love, new beginnings, having fun, anything. For example, this is Tokiya's first album. What we wanted was to be seen and recognized as who he was, each bit of himself."

You skipped to the chorus of each song and let them hear it. Some of them seemed to get it, some didn't.
Tokiya decided to help you out. He didn't want for this to take longer than necessary.

"Picture the album as a person. Each song is a trait of the same person. Each trait has to be different and unique. People are complex, that's why the album has lots of songs."

Everyone seemed to get a hold of the concept a little bit better.

"Yep. Thanks for explaining. I didn't know what else to say."

He just hummed back. Gods, you wished this cold treatment wouldn't last forever.

"So, usually artists write a bunch of songs and then put out the ones that don't fit completely in the kind of album they want, hence those albums that have 'exclusive' unreleased songs" you made the quotations with your hands. You knew those songs weren't really exclusive. The artists weren't really happy about putting them out of the album. If they could've, they would've left them.

"Then why don't we start writing many songs right now before choosing the approach?"

"Well, my dear Syo, we don't have enough time." You answered honestly. "We need 11 songs. And we don't have more than 12 weeks to do songs, choreography, single selection, artwork, etc."

The boys seemed amazed. Damn, they didn't really know how much it took to make an album. They just did what they were told and that's it.

"So... My plan is writing at least one song a day with lyrics. Maybe 2 if we're lucky. Start recording as soon as we can and maybe within the first month, we'll have finished and we'll be able to slow down and relax for about... 3 days while we choose the singles. And then the rest of the time, we'll focus on choreography for another 3 weeks and finally videos on the rest." You clapped your hands with a smile.

"You make it sound easy." Masato mumbled.

"Uh... It depends on your definition of difficult." There was a bit of uneasiness in your voice.

"But- (L/N)- I mean (Y/N), do you think we can make it?"

Looking at Haruka's concerned eyes, you smiled softly "I don't think so, I know so."

Your gaze shifted to the boys sitting in front of you, a tender, almost motherly look on your face. "I know you all can do it. I'll put my faith and trust in you. I'll do everything I can so this album can be the best it could ever be. If you help me, we can do it. Together."

Your eyes fixated themselves on each boy, expressing them everything that you just said and what was left unsaid. They returned the look, some seeming fazed by you and some looking beyond amazed.

Everyone was silent for a bit...

"Falling in love."

You looked at Masato, confusion in your eyes.


"That should be the approach. Falling in love." Masato had a weird glint of determination in his eyes, which were fixed on yours. There was something about that look he had, you didn't know what, but it made you blush.

"Yes, that would be a good theme for the album."

Ren said in a weird tone, almost venomously. You looked at him from the corner of your eye, and you saw something unexpected, something you knew vaguely: jealousy.

You eyes widened. Could it be...? No, probably not...

I mean, they look at Haruka like they love her, you thought.

"W-well, then let's get started!" You blushed and smiled to your computer. For some reason you couldn't help but smile every single time you blushed, you didn't know why.

"Maybe we should all write one song!"
Turning to the source of that voice, you looked at Natsuki.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Maybe we should all write a song for the seven of us."

"Oh! I get what you're thinking!" Syo jumped. "Like we all write a song for ourselves with Nanami and (Y/N) that integrates the 7 of us?"

"And each song could be from each of our perspectives about the theme!" Cecil added.

You were amazed. That was actually a great idea!

"Sounds awesome, guys!" You pumped your fist in the air. "Maybe Haruka and I can spend the day with each of you, seeing what you like and dislike so we can do each song."

"Oh, but Haruka already knows everything about us." Ren said pensive.
"Hm... Then we can spend half the day with Haruka making the melody and the second half you and I can work on the lyrics." You thought... Out loud.
Hoping they didn't notice you hadn't meant to say that just in your head, you looked at them with a small smile.
They all nodded.

"That could actually work..." Tokiya mumbled.

"Yes, yes!" You smiled, but then frowned. "But the problem is... Who's going first?"

They all looked at each other.
"I'll go." Said Masato, Ren and Syo at the same time. They turned to each other with a small angry look.


You cleared your throat. "Rock, Paper, Scissors?"

Without breaking eye contact with each other, they all said in unison.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors."

"Aha" said the winner.

You smiled at the boy.

"Well then, I guess tomorrow we're spending the day together!"

So now we'll start with my favorite part! Yay! You will get to spend a day with each boy! Isn't that nice?
Anyways, Happy New Year, humanoids! Stay beautiful!

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