In the Chaos

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Sooooo sorry. I really haven't had time to write. I've got tons of stuff to do. But I managed to write this small thing. Hope you like it!
Apparently, I have to study and work a lot for next partials (cause I've got a scholarship to keep and I'm not doing that great) but I'll post this because ever since I stopped with this story, my grades have gone downhills. So I'll try to make time for this. :P

Guards: Camera!
*STARISH and Haruka are pushed around by the crowd*
Ittoki: what's going on?
Masato: I- *gets pushed* ugh- I don't know.
Tokiya: No... Not again. *Runs towards the crowd and pushes past everyone*
Haruka: Ichinose-San!
*STARISH gets pulled and pushed against the furthest wall*
Ren: Ugh... We gotta- get out of here.
*Everyone nods and walks carefully past the people and towards the door*
Natsuki: Guys... What happened to (y/n)?
*STARISH and Haruka look towards the stage only to see Ranmaru hugging someone*
Syo: Wait... Is that her?
Ren: I think so...
*Someone almost knocks off Haruka and she falls on Natsuki*
Masato: *Notices Haruka is being pushed around* Guys, we should leave. We'll find out later.
*Everyone looks around and nods, going back to the task of getting out of the building*

Once out:

Syo: *notices three people standing on the parking lot* Hey, aren't those Ai, Reiji and Camus?
Masato: Yes, I think so.
*Suddenly, Tokiya walks out of the building tiredly*
Tokiya: Guys! Have you seen where (Y/n) and Ranmaru went?
*STARISH And Haruka shake their heads*
Camus: *Walks up to them with Ai and Reiji behind* Don't worry about her. Ranmaru got her home safe. *bitterly* You should head there, too.
*STARISH nods and heads to the car they came in*
Ai: *Takes out his cellphone* I'll call the cab.

In the car with STARISH and Haruka:
*Syo, Tokiya and Masato are in the back; Ittoki, Cecil and Haruka are in the seats in front of those; Natsuki is at the front with Ren, who is driving*

Syo: So... Tokiya. What haven't you told us about (y/n)?
Masato: Is she the girl you told me about?
*Tokiya sighs heavily and nods*
Masato: *surprised but keeping calm* I'd suggest you don't ask him questions until he recovers from seeing her, alright?
Ittoki: What?
Ren: That bad, huh?
Tokiya: *takes a deep breath* I guess I'll just tell you. She used to be my songwriter, my coworker... no, she was more than that... she was... *keeps silent*
Masato: *Places a hand on his shoulder* We understand.
Cecil: You don't have to tell us if you don't want to...
Tokiya: *Nods and stares at the floor* Anyways, she used to travel a lot, but we still talked over the phone and stuff. She'd come to visit every few weeks.
Natsuki: What happened?
Tokiya: She was always so secretive with her identity around the public... But she told me... she said she escaped home. She never really told me why. But she mentioned that her parents were an important reason. *Looks at the window* We talked less and less, until, one day, she just disappeared. No one knew where she was.
Syo: Then how did Saotome find her?
Tokiya: *Balls up his fists angrily* I don't know. He must've kept some kind of connection with her.
Masato: *Squeezes his shoulder*
Ren: Well, you can ask her now. We're home and so is Quartet Night's van, so I assume she's here.
*The door of the van opens and they see Ranmaru carrying your sleeping form insidd the manor*
Cecil: *Notices everyone's suddenly silent* Uh... I must assume by your silence that this is a bad situation?
Ren: *Nods* You bet it is.

So... I hope you liked this! G'night!

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