Prologue Part 1

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Hi everyone so this is the part 1 of the prologue. i hope you'll find it interesting enough to leave a comment and vote for it. Thanks :)


“Mom…I’m pregnant.” I told my mom.

She did not answer but more tears escaped my eyes when I saw her expression. She’s hurt. How could she not be…when her only daughter just failed her drastically. Her eyes are bored to mine, water in her eyes started to flow then she broke down.

“Ali….” She sobbed.

I sobbed too. I did not want this to happen. If I could turn back time I shouldn’t have tolerated my friends to pressure me of being a virgin. Now I am suffering the consequences.

3 months and 2 weeks ago….

Me, Alissa Green, 15, decided to go on a beach with my friends. The first day of summer was the day we planned to go to the beach. That’s how excited we were because we have been planning it for almost half a year now. We also saved money for it. We are going to be there for three days and two nights, and we are all thrilled. I was excitedly packing my stuff when mom went it to my room.

“Ali be careful okay?” Mom said.

I rolled my eyes. “Of course mom. What do you think I would do? I’ll be fine, just relax.” I assured her.

“Fine…your brother will give you a ride to the resort tomorrow.” She informed me.

I rolled my eyes again. Great. By the way. I have a brother…they are actually three of them. I am the only girl in the family and although they treat me well…more like a princess if I may say, my brothers are overly protected over me. I know that they love me but I have to grow up and growing up does have to do with some freedom. But they won’t let me. One day a cute guys asked me out on a date and I really really like him and I said yes. We went to see the movies and guess what…I have my three annoying brothers as my chaperon. I growled as I remembered that the boy never contacted me ever again.

Keith is the eldest he’s 20 and he’s in college thank goodness. That mean minus one, although I miss him too. He’s a geek a handsome geek and he was planning to be a doctor just like my dad and boy he made my dad so proud. Next is Fred he’s 18 and he’s in his senior year and he’s pretty cool that’s why all the girls like him. Sometimes girls came to me just to ask some favors for him. Like give him this and that, let him know that I love him and many desperate things. And my brother loves the attention. The last one is my best friend/brother, I know it’s very rare to make your brother as your best friend but I do…his name is Eric and he’s the opposite of Fred, he’s 16. His antisocial aura makes people get their ass off from him, but he’s just shy. He’s actually a good guy he bleached his hair into black and he has bangs but don’t ever call him emo or else you will unleash the beast inside him. He just like black hair…he thinks that he was suppose to be born with black hair and with a pale complexion he really looks stunning with it. He doesn’t wear eyeliner he already has thick lashes. All my brothers are good looking…except me. I think I was born in a wrong family, I told them about it and all of them got mad at me for thinking that way. We actually had some DNA test just to prove that I am their daughter.

My parents are pretty cool too. My dad is a doctor and my mom is a preschool teacher. We may not be rich but we are well off enough to be able to enjoy things that others don’t. our parents taught us how to be thankful in everything we had and in spite all our differences our parents make sure that we have dinner together.

I love my family, no doubt about it but as a teenager, I have to experience things too you know. I mean if they want to me to learn responsibility they have to let me go…that is not just for my parents but also for my brothers.

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