I'm guessing it was to ease any potential tension from Jack, so I agreed. Rudy was always a good sensei and person and I can't remember why I wanted to leave in the first place. Rudy gave me a white belt and gi and we all got changed and started. It was great, Rudy didn't yell at you like Ty does during training. I thought it was making me better at karate, but thinking about it, it didn't, I probably got most of my skills from Rudy. 

~~Sloane's pov~~

It was actually funny when Rudy gave Brody a white belt, I thought he was joking but apparently he wasn't. I almost laughed out loud watching it. 

Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen because of how well things have been? 

After I got changed after training, I was hoping to hang out with Brody but I couldn't find him anywhere. But I did see Jerry walk out of the boys changing room around the same time I came out of the girls changing room so maybe he knows. 

"Hey, Jerry, do you know where Brody is?" I asked. If he left, why did he leave so suddenly? I mean he just joined. 

"Um, no, he just left" Jerry said, pointing to the doors. 

Seems odd, but I guess I can just talk to him later then. 

"Hey Sloane," Kim said, also just coming out of the changing rooms. 

"What's wrong?" She asked, after seeing the confused look I had. 

"Nothings wrong, just confused why Brody just left suddenly without saying anything to anyone" I explained, I don't want to assume anything. 


Later as a group, except Rudy, who had to stay at the dojo, we went to Phil's. Not necessarily to eat, but to just talk and hang out, I love being in Seaford. 

But suddenly, I saw- or at least I thought I saw Brody with his hood up, as if trying to hide himself. So I stood up and walked out trying to see if that was actually him. And this is going to seem really creepy, but I let my curiosity get the best of me and I may have slightly followed him. And where we ended up was in front of the Black Dragons dojo. I immediately texted Kim. 

Sloane: Kim I just saw Brody walk into the Black Dragons dojo. Don't tell anybody yet. 

Kim: oh woah, so that's where you went. Um ok, I won't tell them. Do you want me to meet you over there?

Sloane: um, yes. I just don't want them to know right now because I know how bad this looks and I don't know what the guys will think about it 

Kim: alright, I'll make something up to leave and I'll be right there. Maybe it isn't as bad as it looks 

Sloane: thanks Kim. 

Just a couple minutes later I saw Kim walking towards me. 

"I don't know what to think Kim, it just looks really bad" I said, shrugging. 

"Ok, well the first thing we need to do is get farther from here so nobody in there sees us" Kim said, softly grabbing my arm and us walking away from the Black Dragons, but it still being in eyesight. 

"Smart," I replied, while nodding. 

"And he can't know that you followed him, that would make him think you don't trust him at all, but I do understand why you did though" Kim said quietly, not quite a whisper, but you get the idea. 

"Ok, then what do I do?" I pouted, I don't like situations like this. 

"Oh, I have an idea," Kim said, as if an actual light bulb appeared above her head, "I could confront him saying that I saw him walk into the Black Dragons after practice and I was wondering why" 

That's a good idea, then I wouldn't have to have an awkward conversation with him about this myself. 

"And if I had to, I could act like a total b*tch and embarrass him" She said quietly laughing, trying to lighten up the mood. It worked. 


The next day at school I saw Kim go up to Brody to confront him, this is during lunch. I went to my locker which was somewhat close to where they were, I wanted to be able to hear this. 

"Brody, can I talk to you?" Kim asked, loud enough for me to hear, but quiet enough to not cause attention over to them. 

"Um, yeah?" Brody said confused, as to why. 

"Look, let me be the overprotective friend to Sloane for a minute, I saw you walk into the Black Dragons yesterday, and I was curious as to why you were there" She explained nicely, I'm hoping she doesn't have to go all b*tch mode to him, her words. 

"Ok, I know how bad and sketchy it looks. I get it. I was there because I was returning my stuff, like my gi and.. my black belt" He said, getting quieter at that last part. If this is true, it must have been hard for him to give up his black belt, even though that is still his skill level. I wouldn't want to give up my black belt. 

"Ok, then why couldn't you have told someone that instead of just leaving suddenly?" Kim asked, just as confused as I was. 

"For two reasons, it was embarrassing for me to give up my black belt and I didn't need Frank seeing me and making fun of me" He said, sighing. Then I looked at him with a sad look and saw him looking at the floor. It sounded sincere. Now he really can't know that I followed him. 

"Alright, I approve of you and Sloane now" Kim smiled, and that made me smile. 

"Really? That actually means a lot" 

As he was saying that I walked up behind/to the side of him, and smiled. He turned around and smiled back. 

"Just tell us next time" Kim said, walking away back to the cafeteria. 

Then Brody suddenly kissed me, his hand lifting my chin up, because I was shorter. And then just as suddenly as he did that, he grabbed my hand and we walked past Lindsay, who gave a hurt and dirty look, and into the cafeteria hand in hand. 



holy shit that was the ending. And I hope you guys realize how much longer this chapter is compared to the others lmao. I just felt this was a good ending point in the story line. I'm also happy that this is done before the new year :) 


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