Chapter 5

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"Did you try to call him?" Rudy asked.

"Well I could but that wouldn't do anything" I said as I held up Jack's phone in my hand.

"I know he will come back"

"Ok well I'm leaving and the doors lock themselves when the mall closes so if you are still here our spare key is in Jack's locker.

"Does he know that it's in there?" I asked.

"No.. You're the only person who knows where it is now" Rudy said as he left. I just hope Jack comes back.

Everyone had left but me. I ended up finishing all my homework and cleaning out my locker. I will wait here as long as it takes. I just know he will come back. This is the only way to find out if he's okay, since I can't call him.

I was still in my gi and was still sitting against the lockers, just bored. And I fell asleep........

*Brody's pov*

"Ty, I don't know how I am supposed to do this now. Jack and Kim are dating. I was close to getting in, but the only way I can is to get Kim to forgive me. And Jack isn't going to let that happen"

"Then try to get the girl to forgive you and Jack. They are our only threat" Ty said.

"Yes sir.."

*Jack's pov*

I felt bad about what I said to Kim and how I ran out. She doesn't like it when I freak out and try to kill someone, not literally. I was about to go back to the dojo but then I realized that practice was over. I was going to call Kim but then it occurred to me that I left my stuff in the dojo so I would have to go back.

When I got back the mall was closing soon and Kim was asleep leaning against the lockers. I would have thought she would have went home, why did she stay? I didn't want to wake her up so I just sat next to her and leaned her against me instead of the lockers. I guess she recognized me and opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"Jack?" She said.

She looked like she had been crying.. And I told her I would never leave her...

"I'm right here. I'm staying right here"

I picked up both our stuff and Kim and I walked her to her house. I had to ring her doorbell and I waited for her dad to answer it. It sucks because her dad still doesn't like me for some reason, I have tried and tried.

"What are you doing with my daughter?" Kim's dad asked.

"She fell asleep at the dojo so I thought I would bring her home" I said softly.

After he let me in to bring Kim into her room I left and walked to my own house.

...The next day at school

I still felt bad about yesterday. I wish Brody stayed away from us.

I saw Kim at her locker so I walked up to her.

"Kim, I am so sorry about yesterday" I said.

"Jack, you ran off and didn't come back for hours, and over two words" Kim sighed.

"I know, I feel so bad about it. I shouldn't have stormed off, I just can't get over what he did to you"

"Maybe that's a good thing. Me and Rudy were talking and he thought that Brody was up to something. I mean why else would he randomly come back into our lives?" Kim said.

"That would make sense" I said. "But Kim?"


"Are we okay?" I asked.

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