Chapter 6: At The Same Time

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*still Brody's pov*

I was walking around the strip mall when I saw a girl with long wavy brown hair. I watched her as she walked into the Bobby Wasabi dojo. Wait what? I saw Kim walk in soon after and the mystery girl turned around and they talked. She had brown eyes and was definitely beautiful- I was cut out of my thoughts when I got a text. It was from Ty

Ty: have you started yet?

I almost responded 'started what?' when I remembered what he was talking about. I can't get myself fooled. It looks like the 'warriors' got a new member. She can't be that good right? I feel like I've seen her somewhere before, but I haven't ever met her. For a girl that pretty she can't be that good, well I thought the same with Kim and she turned out to be a bad-ass black belt.

Ty: Brody? Get a move on, this needs to be done before the next tournament!

Brody (me): It looks like they got a new member..

Ty: figure out what rank he is then, it better be another yellow belt like the rest

Brody: it's a she

Ty: then she better be a yellow belt or worse. What rank does she look like?

Brody: I have no idea, I thought Kim was a low rank until I found out she was a black belt, maybe we shouldn't underestimate her.

Ty: well get in there and find out!

Brody: I can't just go in there, I still have to get Jack and Kim to forgive me.

Ty: well get that girl on your side, if she's any good we may be able to get her on our side

Brody: ok ok

~the next day at school in Sloane's pov*

It was officially my first day at Seaford High and I was running late so I couldn't get Jack or Kim or any of the rest of the gang to help me.

I had gotten my stuff from the office and I was excused to get to my first class. I walked over to the locker's until I found the one I was assigned. This felt so weird, I was never in an actual school for very long, and that's why I became homeschooled. I was always going around the country for tournaments. I am really happy I decided to stay in one place. I had made enough money for my family to be able to stay here and my parents could find permanent jobs here. I can't wait to be able to call this place home.

I tried to get the locker to open but it wouldn't, and after a few tries I hit the locker like I was in the dojo and it opened.

"Impressive" I heard a guy say from behind me.

I turned around and saw a guy I have never met before.

"What was impressive?" I asked

"The way you got your locker open. Do you know Karate?" He asked.

"Maybe, but who are you?" I asked.

"Brody" He said as he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

So this was Brody, man he was cute. I also had to think of what he did to Kim. But then again, it wasn't completely his fault. I guess it's my turn to see who he is. Like is he had changed.

I shook his hand and then turned back to my locker to put my stuff in it.

"I'm Sloane" I said introducing myself. Kim's right. I may like him. "So what are you doing out of class?"

"Nothing really, 'going to the bathroom'" Brody air quoted. "Now what's your first class?"

"Umm" I said as I looked at my schedule "History"

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