Chapter 1 - Another damn sleeping curse

Start from the beginning

"But I don't understand. H-how did you wake up?" Robin asked, looking from Emma to Regina. Now Snow started wondering as well. "Yes how did you wake up?" She was now looking at her daughter who was rather quiet. "Emma?"

Everyone's eyes now fell on Emma who felt completely trapped. "What does it matter? The curse is broken, let's celebrate!" Regina said in attempt to safe Emma out of this situation. Still that didn't really put Robin Hood at ease.

"Tell us what happened Emma!" He now demanded. Emma panicked, her expression said it all. And before anyone could stop her she had already ran off.


Henry had followed his mother to the docks unsure whether to leave her alone right now or not. He just decided he'd hear it from her. He came standing next to her and leaned over the railing. "So... You want to talk about it?" Henry asked.

"What would you like to know kid?"

"For one... How the curse was broken." Henry said. He saw the uncertainty in his mother's eyes and felt bad for pushing her. "Did you kiss her?"

"I..." Emma stammered, it would have been far easier to lie right now but what was the point? This was her son, he'd find out eventually. "I did." She confessed.

"Mom, do you know what this means?" Henry said, processing this new received information. Emma looked at him full of ignorance. "You and Regina are each others true love!" He said.

"Kid... That seems very unlikely."

"How else would you be the only one able to wake her up!? It makes perfect sense!" Henry told her full excitement. Of course he liked Robin, but he'd always seen the chemistry between his two moms even though they never did.

"Well it doesn't to me." Emma said, "Look kid, I love your mom, I do. Just not like... that."

"Even though with all the prove?"

"She is happy with Robin. He is her one true love. It's best if I keep a low profile until this all has blown over." Emma told her son before walking off.

"Where are you going?" Yelled after her, watching her step into her yellow bug.

"Home." Emma said.

Emma was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She traced the outlines of her lips with her finger. Thinking back of the feeling of Regina's lips against hers. Even though it was just for a split second not to mention Regina was not much more than a corpse with the whole sleeping curse thing going, it still felt magical. She didn't wanted to admit it. She wouldn't. It was only a kiss right? A kiss that broke a sleeping curse. Emma sighed, mentally punching herself in the stomach for the thought crossing her mind that everything Henry said to her could actually be true. Don't be stupid Emma. You're not Regina's true love. You're the savior, that's why she woke up. Emma heaved a deep sigh before turning to her side and trying to surrender to sleep.


Emma was headed for Grannies to get her daily cup of caffeine before starting the day. She opened the door to see Regina sitting at the bar with a sandwich in front of her. She tried to flee unnoticed but before she was even out on the street Regina had already caught glimpse of her. "How long are you going to avoid me Ms. Swan?" She said, pushing down her hands into the pockets of her black coat.

"I'm not avoiding you." Emma said.

"Of course not, peeking inside restaurants is one of your daily hobbies." Regina sarcastically said.

Emma sighed. "It's just better if I give you some space."

"Says who?"

"Me." Emma pointed at herself, "Things are complicated enough."

"Emma..." Regina breathed out taking a step forward. "I miss you," She took another step closer. "I miss my friend."

Emma smiled. It did her good to hear that. "How are you doing by the way? You look beaten."


"Sorry." The blonde clenched her jaws together. "But you do look tired Regina." Emma said when she observed the dark bags underneath the other woman's eyes.

"I have to admit I haven't been sleeping so very well lately," Regina told the sheriff, "But you don't have to worry, I'll be fine." Regina tried to put Emma's mind at ease but by the look of it, that didn't work out so well.

"Having nightmares? Like the ones Henry had when me and Snow were both in the Enchanted forest?" Emma remembered the things Henry told her about it. About it being a red doorless, windowless room, with fiery curtains and engulfing flames. The way he talked about it, it sounded kind of terrifying.

"It's just a side effect, It'll wear off in time." She hoped.

"Well alright but if you need me you can give me a call anytime."

"Emma-" Regina tried to protest but the blonde cut her off with repeating 'anytime' this time a little louder. Regina wasn't actually aware of Emma holding her hand until the moment she let go and immediately was missing her warmth.

"Bye Regina."

"Bye Emma."


A/N: And there you have the first chapter. I will try and update every week ^_^
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Luvs to you all. Have a wonderful summer!!

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