Someone please help

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Sang's POV
I cough trying to get the smoke to clear from my throat. I try and move put the pain is too much and I'm being held down by something as well. I feel the need to push and I do needing to get this thing out of me. By the time I'm done my breath is coming out in shorts pants. I feel the need to push again and do. I feel relief then I get a another contraction. I push and start feeling really light headed so I close my eyes trying to stop the stars from spinning.
Dr. Green's POV
We finally have everything clear and all we need to do is remove one more thing. It's been six hours and I don't think we are going to find her alive. I look to see her unconscious and have two babies laying there blue and lifeless just like their mother. I start Cutting the cord that connect them to their momma. I give baby A to Axle to start CPR and Baby B to Raven while I work on  Sang. I check to see there's a strong pulse but her breathing is shallow. I say" Sang if you can hear me open your eyes or squeeze my hand. Nothing so I start doing a tracheotomy. Once finished I get her loaded into the ambulance to take her to the hospital. I see Raven nod his head and am surprised that the babies are alive. I hold baby B and call Kota and Gabe over to help me since we need some help and they have experience with holding babies while the others do not. I start helping Axle with setting her up so if we need anything  we can do it. I say" how's the babies doing?"  They both are interrupted by my phone. I answer to find out that they killed James and her family. I tell him okay and hang up. I see we have two minutes until we arrive so I start getting her prepared for transportation and say" How's the babies vitals?" They tell me good and I nod my head and rush her in but I am pulled back. I try to get in but I'm not allowed.
Kota's POV
I hold the baby in my arms protecting him from any danger. I lay him carefully on the table but he cries immediately. I pick him up and he stops crying. Gabe puts the other baby down but it cries so he picks him back up. We are handed bottles so we feed them doing what their momma should be doing but can't. Their momma is beautiful and I want to protect her from everything. I can tell she will love them even though they were a result of rape. We burp them and then let them get their check ups done so their momma don't have to worry about it. I hold him and rock him to sleep. This brings a lot of memories of Jessica being born. God I miss her. She married now and I don't get to see her or mom a lot because of work. I only see them one time a week. I sit and rock us letting him them sleep.

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