Turky x chubby reader

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You were at work behind the cash register as usual. Where do you work in a bakery. Many call it ironic because of your size and will pick fun at you. Though you don't care and will sometimes mess with there food. (Not to badly though) today you just wanted to leave there was a group of twigs as you call them who can't seem to understand what a bakery is and plain annoy you. 'Ring' you look to the door to see Turkey come in. "Yo (y/n) how's it going" you point to the now ogling twigs. "Not good huh" he says. He is one of your regular costumers and a friend of yours since, since day one of you working there he would try to talk to you. "I'm guessing you will have your usual or do you want a Greek dessert?" It's fun poking fun at him. " WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT SOMETHING FROM THAT JERKS COUNTRY?!" You just laugh." I'm guessing you two hung out today." "Yeah and jerkulies said my mask was ugly" " I like it" he looks away unknown to you to hide a blush you just think he's looking at the twigs who were being rambunctious. Rolling your eyes you get his usual a Turkish delight. When you get back one of the girls had approached him and said "hay how about when the cow gets your food we go hang out somewhere else?" While talking you looked her over and could tell she was the dumb blond type. Turkey replies with " what cow the one getting my food is a cute girl, and I'm not interested in your offer." You blush he has flirted with you but never when others are around. " excuse me are you blind?" The girl says you reply with " he's not blind your just dumb." Turky falls over laughing. The girl gets really pissed at this but before she does anything your boss comes out from the back. "Hello 2p England  " " hello poppet" he looks at the girl "I could hear you from the back and I want you and your friends gone now" in the end he has a Cheshire grin. The girls left quite fast. "Oh and turkey ask her out already" 2p England then leaves you two so he could make cupcakes. Turkey looks over at you with a small blush. "So (y/n) want to go to dinner?"
You can imagine the rest<3

Hope you guys liked it I don't really know turkey well hehe arooooooooo

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